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Everything posted by Giants05

  1. I would end communications with her. Tell her you have no interest in her anymore and are going steady with another girl. She hurt you way too much the last time you two were together and you are not going to go through that same pain again. Make it very clear to her you owe her nothing at all. Is this your child or someone else's? If it is someone else's, it is not your responsibility. If it is yours...wait for another member to reply, as I have no clue how to reply to this Sorry I can't be of any more help
  2. Strange...I broke up with someone last August and just 2 days ago they some how found my new AOL screen name and started talking to me. It is kind of the same situation I suppose. I have no intentions of getting back together with her and I feel the same way as you do about "The truth is that I don't want to hear from her." Our situations are a bit different in the fact that your ex is saying she loves you, when my ex and I are just making casual conversation (hows school, etc). If you seriously don't want her in your life at all anymore, I would just try and make it subtly clear of it. Or if you have a girlfriend right now, that is an excuse in it's own right. Just say your with someone right now and you aren't going to cheat on them for her. Good luck with your situation and hope my 'advice' helps a little
  3. I think I will give it a try on Monday at school. Do you suggest I try and get her alone or talk to her infront of her friends? I would think alone would be better, but perhaps I am wrong Thanks for replying guys. BTW, if she asks what I have in mind to do, do you guys think a baseball game or a movie is better? My dad's office has season tickets to the SF Giants, but we are pretty much allowed to use them whenever we want. Plus, at a baseball game we can talk during the game and stuff...seems like a good idea to me...unless she hates baseball
  4. Hey guys, I am 15 years old and a freshman in high school (though the year is quickly coming to a close ). The past few weeks I have noticed this great looking gal who sits down the row from where my friends and I usually sit at lunch. I found out she is a sophomore from some of the guys on my track team. She also is on the track team, but is a sprinter while I am a long distance runner. I really want to talk to her and stuff, but it just seems awkward, as I am a year younger. Usually (at my age I mean) the guy is either older or the same age as the girl. Any comments on this? I am also relatively shy when first meeting people, though I can't shut up once I get to know someone. Any ideas on how I should approach her to talk to her? I have been reading some other threads and have gathered a few tips (eye contact, do not mumble [given I guess etc..). Any other tips for me? Thanks a lot guys/gals!
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