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in lat august of 2004, my exgirlfriend had left me, because of my unacceptable actions (i did not cheat). the person who i had been living with for 4 years had decided to leave me after i got home from work. i was civil about it, and i helped her carry her stuff out to her friend and mothers car. i held my composure, i did not beg or ask her to stay, becasue i knew it was useless. This was the first person i had ever loved and she was leaving me. When she left, two hours later i was devestated. I couldnt breath, i couldnt stop crying, i couldnt sleep. everyday was as bad as the last.


i couldnt stop thinking about her, we had been togther for so long and becasue of my actions, she had left. i was so focoused on what i had lost. i i mmediatley started talking to a psychologist, i knew that if i wanted to be with her again i had to fix myself.


a month later she called me and we met, i had just started getting help and we started seeing eachother again. within a month and half she moved back in. everything was great, at least i thought, i was improving my self by getting help talking to the psychologist. i always made her feel like a princess. Then in the end of january 2005, i woke up gave her a hug and kiss as always and went to class, i came home later and all her stuff was gone


all that had remained was a 4 page letter, a very mean letter. i had done so much for this person through out the years and i was left with a nasty letter being told she wasnt in love with me anymore.


this time i accepted it and looked at the situation as a whole, a phenominal experience with a great person, but not my future. i had followed her wishes in the letter, never to talk to her or see her, call her bother her whatever


less than a month later she starts calling me, im in the process of healing and i tell her please to give me my time and eventually her firend starts bothering me online


her friend got a crsuh on me and wanted to start dating me all the while she was playing both sides and trying to get my ex to hate me. i was so worried that the memory of our relationship would be destroyed by this girl becasue now my ex was beginning to believe her friend that i was doing stuff behind her back, which i never even considered. so i asked to meet my ex in person to talk face to face so she would know if i was lying


i meet her and and this 3 and half months after we break up and we talk i and we end up hugging, then kissing, it was bad i made a horrible mistake. then she called me the next day and we ended up sleeping togther.


i had to put an end to it becasuse neither one of us wanted to go back into a serious relationship with eachother becasue we were not ready to. so i saw her again and said my goodbyes, spent the night and when i left we were both happy that we were able to share that moment in time.


but the thing that makes me sick to my stomach is she told me that she is talking to another guy, and kissed a couple times that was it. the part that made me almost puke was that he has the same first name as me

Justin! which is not common.


this is my story, a story of where i knew my problem the first time and fixed it, but in the end it was her who had the problems. but i will never forget her or not love her, i will always look at it as a phenominal experience with a great person


so now i continue my journey to heal as i remain single and reconnect with myself and become happy with me

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I had a very similar experience with my ex. She was pulling the same angle. Everytime she walked off, we would end up talking and she would come over and sleep with me. Very strange what sex can do to your head. Glad you are over it. Best thing I ever did was realize there are other women out there. You just have to realize it....

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im very proud of the fact that after telling her i we should keep our distance and if we are meant to be togther than in the future when we are both ready and worked on our problems, we would reunite as two strong people, and truly be able to start fresh. i was proud also that we were able to enjoy eachothers company and left happy, i spent the night and when we departed the next morning we left happy with eachother and understanding of what we have to do. i really dont know of many people who could do that. but it just regresssed my progress in healing unfortanetly. but i date other women, but im not intrested being in a realtionship, i go out to meet people and have a good time until i find the right person again

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i must say, all in all, considering your situation and the circumstances, you showed a lot of poise and control. you should be proud of yourself for handling it the way you did. after being in a long term relationship and living with her it must have been incredidibly hard when she just up and left. i know how that is, it sucks...you handled it better then i did.


funny how her friend wanted you too...sounded like my situation...which just tells me that other girls are going to want you in the future once they get to know you. this other girl prob knew you well and thats why she liked you.

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i knew she was talking to somebody else rom her friend, after we slept togther she told me his name when we were talking, it made me sick to my stomach, i could never imagine talking to another melissa without thinking about her espically only months after.

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