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I cut myself..I thought ide never go back to old ways, i thought i would never have to hurt myself, again..but i did.. I dont know why i did, i have no idea what triggered me...rubber bands didnt work, and talking about it doesnt help either, because i dont know why im doing this.. its like im numb, i cant tell what im feeling inside...help?

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Cutting is a really tough addiction to kick. There are going to be setbacks from time to time. It happens, don't beat yourself up too bad about it. It doesn't make you a bad person just because you had a relapse. Just keep doing what you are doing. Get some help if it continues like some counseling or a support group. Talking does help even if you think it doesn't. I know you said you aren't sure why it happened, but by talking to some people you can figure it out.


You WILL be ok. We're here to support you.

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sometimes just letting go and cutting can help the 'numbness' go away, but .. soon enough, it takes more and more to just feel the same again. if that makes any sense. sometimes just talking about it helps though, even if you're just talking to yourself.. (in a way, like sorting things out in your head, but out loud, not like.. "hi, me! how's it going!" but .. yeah. you probably know that. ^^') i know once i got so bad i skipped a few classes in school just to lock myself in a bathroom stall and cut, just.. talk to myself for a few hours.. people thought i was going nuts, and .. well, so did i. i'd say that.. often it's just an unsettling feeling, like some things just aren't right, but it's ..subconscious. so on top of things it's just plain oddness, and it just feels right to have to cut.

and about the whole talking thing, even if you don't know why, it's helpful just to .. well.. guess and check, so to speak. make up reasons why, see if they're right, if not, keep going. the absolute reason might not show up for awhile, but it'll help a bit, i'd say..

i see how rubber bands won't work, it's.. not really the same. i guess i can't just stand on a weird little pedestal and say "stop!" 'cause i know it's hard.. i still do it sometimes.. o.O;

...ever try drawing or writing things out?

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I thought I'd never do i again, I thought I was cured! But this is something that stays with for you life. It is something we hsve to live with. If people around you do not understand then you hsve no support.And support is what you need right now! I understand you and so many others here do to, you are not alone. Don't ever feel that you are alone because you are not.

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