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My weight fluctuates fast as well. I can lose like 5 lbs. in a day. If I weigh myself in the morning it may say 142 but if i weigh later on in the day it will say something like 146/7. I think that it is water weight as well as the weight from food that you eat during the day. I really doubt that we are the only two people in the world like this.

Hope I helped

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Same thing happens to me. Well, during sleep, your body is comsuming energy (I think about 100 calories/hour for 8 hours = 800 calories burned) However, that isn't enough to lose 3 pounds. A lot of the weight you lose is also water weight. Then, throughout the day, I eat and drink, and that 3 pounds comes back.

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I would guess most of its water weight and you are getting more dehydrated at night. Once you hydrate again in the day your water weight comes back as does weight from food, etc.


Its normal for your body weight to fluctuate during the day - what you weigh in morning can be very different than what you weight at night.

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annie24 and Raykay are right as far as I know.


You lose weight overnight for two reasons


1. due to your body's energy consumption overnight - know that for the hours that you are sleeping, you're basically fasting (as its unlikely that you would eat immediately before going to sleep)


2. due to water evaporation - perspiration, while sleeping.


Those who have very high metabolisms see a more drastic weight change between going to sleep and waking in the morning.


Also note that whatever you eat at any time adds to your weight for a period of time while your body breaks it down and you later pass it out.


I've been told by my gym going friends that one ought to eat 6 small meals a day as this keeps the metabolism at a regular rate. This is particularly useful for those who wish to gain weight.




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