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Me and my ex were together for 3 plus yrs, nothing could tear us apart But things turn for the worse we both did sumthings during the relationship that we shouldnt have. N we were like the weather off and on, one day things were great the next day it was a bad storm. It got to a point where I was wrong.. But I was also going through things in my life that he couldnt understand. After overcoming and excepting my faults I knew I had to change. At that time he decides that he doesnt wanna be wit me. He claims that i needed to grow change my ways n bad habits. I agreed and at the same time him saying that if he sees change then we may get back together.


So Ive been bending over backwards to show him that Im capable of being the one he needs and anything he wanted changed Ive done. However But bc of our past he still assumes and accuses me when I dont do anything wrong. We not even together n I havent even put a guy in front of him. I try so hard and I feel like now hes taking my kindness for a sign of weakness. But through it all comes to find out that he doesnt want to be wit me. That he still hasnt a change of heart. Then hes like well look i still think about us. so we may get back together lets jus relax then see where it goes from here. THENNNN!!!


Now hes yelling,screaming and cursing at me to leave him alone. to let him be so that he can move on. tells me tha hes gonna start seeing other people and that its gonna hurt me. Then at the same time he wants to come over hes telling me how much he loves me and cares for me. he even said that he was trying to get rid of me by pushing me away.. I mean how harsh was that. I mean he doesnt even act like my friend and we was so close. I dont kno what to do should I keep in contact wi him or dont. He also said that he wants me to act like he dont exist so that I can leave him alone.


WHAT should I do? What he tells me gets worse but im keeping it short its rediculous and it hurts alot at times...


Im so confused I dont kno wha he expects from me anymore.. Should I jus act like he doesnt exist or what..


One of my favorite quotes(everyone can relate to it at sum point)

"I cant live with you, but I cant live without cha. Not breathing wit you.. its hard to breathe without cha."

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I am so going through the same thing with my ex at the moment!


He tells me that he loves me and because of this - we need to break up. He says that he doesn't want to hurt me anymore because he's strayed in the past.

I'm meeting up with my ex tonight to give him an ultimatum so that I can get my life sorted out - Its not fair for him to keep tagging me along when he isn't sure about how he feels about me - I have a life to lead as well!!


I'm afraid that I don't have any advice for you - if I did then I'd be using it myself. But I can understand how difficult things are for you. I can be really hard when you know that you should move on but they keep on giving you a glimmer of hope that delays the whole process.


But whatever you do, don't have sex with him until he makes a commitment to you - I have learnt this the hard way.


Keep your chin up!!


Lots of love


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Hey girls, my advice is to just sit back, wait and see what unfolds. Its tough to stay in a relationship with someone if they are not showing you respect and the love you are getting. You need to think maybe there is someone out there better.

And yes, agree with Rozanne-> dun have sex with him until he commits.


Just look on the bright side and everything will weather out fine.

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Its crazy bc Roz I feel the same way.. I hate to feel like im being dragged along when he is not sure or not stable wit his feelings. And thats what makes the breakup hard bc like you said they all have tha talk that puts in ur mind that there will MAYBE one DAY be sum kind of hope and all this misery will come to an end. Thats what I feel like Im being dragged wit him and its not fair. Like yesterday hes like well iam talking to sum females but im not tied ddown to anyone and im like what are u tellin me for if you are so content and happy wit ur decesions. keep it moving.. meanwhile hes steadily in my buiz wondering who im talkin to and sayin tha im online to much.. Thats why I dont kno what to do anymore

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Maybe you should just ignore him for a while and see how he reacts. If he leaves you alone and let you do what you want, that is just fine. But if he still interferes in what you do, you should just make it clear to him right there and then. If need be, change locks, phone numbers, e-mail adds. Show him you mean business.

Maybe then, he will listen to more of what you have to say.

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