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I am 22 years old and i drink every day I havent done it that long but it might be going on 3 years, to me thats not as impoprtantas somethings b4 that it was weed mostly, u know, or maybe you dont live in california, and i dont care what you think its better than alcohol, problem is who can afford it, and yes im sure its better just to be sobor, anyway i havnt worked in a while because of alcohol, im not even sure what started it because i feel like my brain is "wet" i cant think anymore i havent worked in a year i have become affraid of life, alcohol is the devil you dont even notice things it creeps up on in your life sometimes, other times its damn ovious, yeah i cant spell, anyway i think it comes down to FEAR, i think i started drinking when i became affraid of the situation, the "TRuth" i was in, i didnt like it at all and trust me it was bad, anyway i think i started to drink reality away, problem is now i realiz it, and i cant get reality back cant stop, and it sucks. help me you cant only i have the key just like only u have the key, you have to choose like or death period. Life is not a game. I wrote this in response to somebody but if u have somthing to say to me even tho what i said i will be appriciated i could use som advis other than my own. help me ! and others

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First of all 3 years is a long time. You should go to AA or rehab. Alcohol causes you rliver to deteriorate and that is a necessary organ. Yes, like you said you used alcohol to take away truth. Most addictions people have were caused by a void in their life, something they were missing and decided to fill with either drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. So not only should you get some kind of alcoholic addictive help but try to find out what void you were trying to fill and fill it with positive things.


Hope I helped!



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I would say if you find that you must have alchohol (or any drug-like substance for that matter including weed and cigarettes) it would classify as an addiction.


I am going to venture a guess you would have a hard time going through the day without a drink, or in a social situation turning it down - and that you often drink alone. I do know people who may have one drink on average a day, but are just as able to go weeks without one. You have also said yourself it is seriously affecting your life - your employment and your thinking and I imagine your social life too.


I would seriously advise that you look into AA or addictions counselling. The problem is it is something you have to recognize as a problem first and admit to yourself that you have an addiction - can be a very tough thing to do!

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I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for in response to your post, but I do think when your drinking has become as debilitating to your life as yours has, I think you know that you need to make a change.


As other posters have suggested, AA is a good place to start. If you are close with your family, maybe you can talk to them as well can get thier support behind you, you are going to need people behind you.


If you do decide to make the change and try to stay sober you are going to have to change everything about your life. You may have to lose some friends if they are your drinking buddies, since you are not going to be able to be around alcohol, at least not for a while, you may have to change where you hang out (no more bars, parties for a while). It is going to be a huge commitment from you, but if you can get started, it will definitely be worth your while.


I am a student nurse and I cared for a 41 year old patient a few weeks ago who had been drinking since about your age, and he had brain damage and liver failure from it, a condition they called jokingly, "wet brain". He didn't know where we was half the time and had to be restrained because he was so disoriented he pulled out all his IV lines and his urinary catheter. He had severe tremors all the time from alcohol withdrawal. He was only 41 years old and his life was nearly over, thanks to his addiction to alcohol


Alcohol is a very powerful and scary drug, and it is legal. It is always going ot be around, it is up to you if you want to make the change and become sober....and you are right, only you hold the key.


I wish you good luck.

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its great that you recognize you have a problem and you actually want help. that proves that you can still be helped! i suggest you visit this site


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i think it can help you. i agree with the others too. make sure you try to occup your time with other things. talk to other people about this, let them help you too. do whatever you think you can to keep you away from booze! and if you do drink, be careul! you to not drive or anything like that. hang in there, you can get through this. again, check out that link, i think it can help you. take care

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