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Can't shake this feeling

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I just want to move on. How do I do so? I have a hard time not keeping off social media searching for things. And I found my child's father back with other woman. I'm tired, his things are at my house. I'm just so over this. I'm doing these things to my self. I just need strength. It's hurtful but we have to coparent. I just want my life and my strength back!!!!

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I just want to move on. How do I do so? I have a hard time not keeping off social media searching for things. And I found my child's father back with other woman. I'm tired, his things are at my house. I'm just so over this. I'm doing these things to my self. I just need strength. It's hurtful but we have to coparent. I just want my life and my strength back!!!!


First things first you have to stop checking the social media. That's just picking at the scab for no good reason. Allow yourself to heal.

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Funny, that's the one thing I found easiest - but it's the thing you need to do the most. Block, unlink, delete. And do it now

I now know my ex can't see me or contact me if she tried (not without great difficulty anyway) and there's great comfort in that.

NC gets dramatically easier with time

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Look at it this way: on social media, always current, every picture is worth a thousand words, and very actual word is worth at least one, and you are going to read so much into all of them. And sometimes you will read it correctly, and sometimes you will get it all totally wrong. And it's likely to hurt or disrupt you every time.


Think of at least three things you can do with your minutes or hours and efforts, instead of doing this to yourself. Then do those things. It can be as simple as going for a walk or running errands that support you and your child, as joyous as going out and doing something playful with your child, or as big as putting your heart to paper or print and making art or writing a book. Think day to day, but also think big, and figure out all the baby steps.


You are going to be ok. Just trust in that, trust in you, and step away from the screen. You're going to be ok.

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