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Totally confused the second time around...

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I dunno why this keeps happening to me..

The last time I posted, it's about getting straight with my LDR and keeping away from a third party.. All worked out fine the last time..

Now, I guess is worse..

I am still with my LD bf.. Everything's fine with us.. Though we're really not able to make the "more-often-communication".. but as we're both busy with our work.. not too often communication have not been a problem..

Just recently, i was introduced to a guy.. He's living in another city which is quite far from mine but he's staying in my city now for a work.. he'd been needing company and i was asked to accompany him for quite some time.. we get along well.. i found out that he has no gf and i dunno if he knew if i have coz we're not talking about it... everytime that someone would see us together, they'd always say that we have good chemistry.. at first, i was ignoring these comments.. but it started to bug me when i suddenly realize that i am not missing my bf that much.. i am not really sure if having this guy's company is a factor.. i am starting to ask my self now what's going on to me.. til i found out how i am beginning to like this new guy.. and i hate it..

unlike, the previous guy.. i couldn't avoid this guy coz i ought to accompany him.. what should i do?

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