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Hi im having trouble with my friends as every one in my group has a girl friend so they keep on makin fun of me and now im feelin a little sad i liked this girl in skool i asked her out and she rejected me and now they make fun of that plse tell me wat to do now im really afraid of askin any one out but i desperately need a girl friend !

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they are probably just joking/nagging with you. and even if they really look down on you who cares. dont go around asking random girls if they want to go out with you because that means your just using them so that you can feel self-worth. just wait till u really like another girl and ask her out

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Well ok u asked someone that u liked out. Ok u got rejected, it happens to all of us. No matter how great u look or even how funny u are. Rejection is just something that u can't stop from happening. Ur friends are just playing around. Look if ur gone be scared all ur life about going and asking someon out then ur gone end up being a loser. A social outkast(person that has no friends at all never goes out with his friends to have some fun) Im sure that u don't want to be that person. None of us do. Think about what TraneX007 is saying. He makes a lot of sense in what he wrote. Take his and my advice. Don't give up there is that special person out there for each and one of us. O and one more other thing. Don't go areound asking random girls to go out with u because first of all u might scare them. I they don't even know u, what made u think that they will go out with u. Find a girl in which u are intresed in. Talk to her for a little become friends and then ask her out. This method works for me. I once started as friends with this girl and now we are boyfriend and girlfriend. Who would have told that this would happen. Well all that I can say is try. Trying never hurted anyone Good Luck to you!

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