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Exchanged emails now what?

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Ok I previously posted about this girl that caught my attention, half way throught the semester. I finally got the opportunity to talk to her. I'm so proud of myself never went up to a total stranger before let alone a girl that i didn't know. Anyway I asked her if she wanted to exchange phone numbers or email addresses and get to know each other and see what happens. She wanted to know if it was just for the class and my reply was "No just get to know each other and see what happens." I have to say that I completely caught her off guard, lol


She said ok and she wrote down her email address and hesitated writing her phone number down. She said something like, "I'm not sure if I should write my cell phone number down because it is always off and I'm almost never home." I'm thinking maybe she has a boyfriend and doesn't want any problems, but I over anaylize everything to death. Anyway I told her, "You don't have to give me your number, I don't want you to feel pressured." So I then gave her my email address and we probably talked for about 15 mintues or so.



She asked me what my major was, and I asked her what hers was and we just had small talka nothing big. She did ask if I was married and I replied, "No I am single." I didn't ask her if she was seeing anyone only because I believe that is not the right thing to do when you first talk to someone for the very first time ever. Anyway I forget when she mentioned it I think it was after I said I was single, but like minutes after not liek right away or maybe it was before, I forget now lol.


Anyway she mentioned that "Dean and I came up to the college together in the fall and he went bankrupt and had to leave, but I kicked him in the butt to come back in the fall" I'm no expert, but I think that could be a sign she has a boyfriend, but again it could just be a friend she came to the school with, again I'm over anayling again.


So my question now is this:


I will she her again on Monday and I'm curious to know when is the best time to email her? I don't want to seem desperate, but I don't want her to think I'm not interested in getting to know her.

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Yes, you're over-analyzing I think. The good thing about email that I like as opposed to the phone is I can read email at my leisure and reply when I want and can take time to think about my words. She will be able to do the same, so what is the big deal of when you email her? This is why I rarely talk with friends on the phone because they all like talking too much and I don't, thus I rarely speak with them on the phone. The only people who get my devoted attention on the phone are family or loved ones.


So again, stop thinking so much. You'll get every answer you need in time.

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Hey sounds like this girl is at least interested (or you wouldn't get an email address) look send her an email about friday or so a joke or funny pic or something like that. Word of caution try to keep calm, dont assume and be careful of the friend zone i.e. you two becoming such good pals, she wouldn't think of a relationship with you. If she already has a bf thats cool she, dont stop talking to her she might be fun to hang out with.


hope I helped good luck!!

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