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Talking to girls at parties

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I dont have any female friends and ive never had a girlfriend so im not very good at talking to girls about stuff their actually interested in. Im confident enough when i talk to them but usually im scraping the barrel for somthing interesting to say. I thought i better add im not after getting their numbers or anything i just want to make friends with them .. so yea suggestions would be great.

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Ask them if they are involved in any extra curiciular activites. Or if they saw the latest movie. Or what their thoughts are on a teacher that you share. Or what their hobbies are? Tons of things. What do you want to know about the person? Just ask. Don't be shy- she's not gonna scream at you because you asked her about her thoughts.Good Luck!

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Sounds like you're a little nervous when you talk to them. Just talk to them like you would talk to anybody else. Normal, natural conversation (ie school, friends, TV, movies, music). And ask them ?'s. Girls love to talk about themselves so give them the oppertunity.


Relax when talking to girls. They're no better than you. And don't try to impress them. They see right through it. They would rather have you be normal and down to earth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just when you ask them if theyre involved in 'extra curricular activities', dont call them that, say like 'wat sorta things r u into' lol. othawise u might be calling for a 'ooh um chess and maths camp' responce lol!! goodluck buddy girls love to know lotsa guys, so just make urself known to em~

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