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Why do guys play games?

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Alright I don't really understand the whole game thing. For example a guy who has been flirting with me will overhear me say something about liking to dance, and a minute later he's dancing with someone else. What is that about? It wasn't someone more attractive is what the guy next to me said. He also said he was doing it to get my attention. Okay why not ask me to dance? It makes no sense to me. Anyone understand this?

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Thanks for replying to my post...it makes me feel a little better.Anyway...you're right their behaviour is just so pointless but guys are just SO childish...No I don't know why they do it either but some of my guy friends say it's because (they think) you'll notice them more and get more excited about them if you think they don't want you...I just think it has the opposite effect,it always is a major turn off when you like a guy and they pretend to be interested in your best friend.People should just be honest...so I think next time you see this guy just tell him this (if you have the opportunity)...

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Thanks fire you're probably right. Dang that's really backwards. This one guy told me once that he really likes me and wondered why I never responded to his flirtations. I was shocked. I never knew he was flirting with me. We'd have involved conversations, he go off and dance with other women, so I counted him as a friend. Generally if I notice they're flirting with me it's guys I have no interest in, go figure. If a guy starts talking to my friend, which I've since been told is the classic move, I get up and walk away. I figure he's interested in her.

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Pretty bizarre thing to do, but unfortunately there are a lot of guys like that - they seem to think it's the way to attract women! Forget the loser and move on - if he was genuinely interested, he had more than enough of an opportunity to ask you to dance, but he didn't take it.

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hi its cc


i think boys play games becasue they want to get your attention also they what to see how you react to this further more boys don't like rejection. Thats the same with girls to becasue I have a boy who I like who is one of my friends but becasue I am scared of rejeaction I wont ask him out. I know I should but I can't thats maybe the same with that boy.

I think if he doesn't show you that he likes you don't worry about it just move on there are over fish in the sea.



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The only woman i've fallen for.. it took me about 4 months to work out what I was feeling... maybe i'm a little stupid but at the time everything you feel is new and you don't understand it... I don't remember playing games, but you can feel like you can't get close to the person you're actually interested in, you don't know the boarder between trying to take a friendship to the next level and how much time you can spend working out what you feel by being next to them.

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i personally think you should just be frank and blunt and be direct instead of beating aroudn the bush and getting angrey when the person your trying to get isnt takign your hints... come out and say it blast yee


Games waste time and take more effort then there work. There is to much room for confusion or misunderstands, as well as the possiblity of someone getting there hopes up and getting hurt. Just be honest, straightforward, and leave the games to board games or video games.

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Hey Shysoul I figured you might post here!!


Games like this guy is playing ARE a waste of time - if he is interested, then he shouldn't be dancing with someone else just to get the attention. There are other ways - more direct ways.


Contrary to what Shysoul says, i do believe that games are a good thing. However it is a fine line, and you have to know the games. Games should be fun, but should also be easy to understand. These are the kinds of games that are naturally played in relationships.


I probably shouldn't have said that, as Shysoul and I have our own discussions iwth various other people in another thread!!


But for what its worth, not all 'games' have to end in misunderstanding and confusion!!

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Yeah, not all games lead to confusion. Don't you know about family game night? There's uno, scrabble, the game of life...


That line is so fine though that all too often it gets crossed, often without someone realizing they are crossing it. Honesty and saying whats in your heart works best.


Ok, I'm going to stop here before spaz and I hijack this topic. I just can't get away from him it seems.

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