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I Need help And FAst!!!!!

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i asked this girl out and she said we didnt know eachother enough.then acouple of days later she called to go to the movies.i ended up going and me and her endd up making out in the movies.hten two days later when i talk to her again i asked her if she wanted to go ou with me.she told me the reason she hadnt said yes was because she wanted to forget about her ex-boy friend so we could go out she told me to give her some time.

its been a week since this happened and she still hasnt given me an answer.

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probably she needs a bit of space rite now, but her ex's lost can b ur gain if you play your cards right..be supportive, be available but also dont be available all the time!..what i mean is..show her you hav a life, that she's not the priority, that she cant just call u up one fine day and expect u 2 be available..so maybe when you call her up next/she calls you, u can setup a date, keep it and be available if she wants to talk about the past but dont initiate any conversations bout the past, try nd keep it light nd fun..and then after the date become "unavailable" for some time..tht oughta keep her thinkin bout u! good luck!

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i asked this girl out and she said we didnt know eachother enough.then acouple of days later she called to go to the movies.i ended up going and me and her endd up making out in the movies.hten two days later when i talk to her again i asked her if she wanted to go ou with me.she told me the reason she hadnt said yes was because she wanted to forget about her ex-boy friend so we could go out she told me to give her some time.

its been a week since this happened and she still hasnt given me an answer.


I'm not really reading this clear, but did she only go out with you to get back at her ex-boyfriend?

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