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Should I ask her out or wait?

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I have been talking to this girl so much recently, and about some really personal stuff. We went out a couple weeks ago, just as friends.


So, should I just openly say to her that I want to go out with her and be more than friends. Or should I just ask her out as a friend a few more times to see how things develop. I really feel that I have waited long enough, and I am sure she likes me. But could it scare her off if I told her I wanted to me more than friends?


Any ideas what I should do?

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Well if you both feel you know eavh other well enough then go for it whats stopping you? but be sure to say the right thing and not hurt her feelings as i know alot of people have problems like this when asking a girl out good luck

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Tell her that you would like to go out with her and that youa re starting to really like her but that you don't want to scare her by going to fast. Say that your ok with just being friends if thats all she wants. Be honest, honesty is the best policy.

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Ok, I asked her out, but she said she wasn't ready for a relationship just now, cos she isn't over her last boyfriend and shes got exams and stuff.


I thought she might say about her ex, she does seem really obsessed with him, but I thought it would still be ok. Anyway, i'll see how things go with her.

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