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I was wondering something. I haven't been feeling too well the last few years, but I'm somewhat of a private person, so nobody really knows about that. My birthday is coming pretty soon and I'm sure either of my parents would like to organise my birthday back home.


The trouble is I'm really really really not in the mood for this . They mean well, but I haven't really tried to celebrate my birthday in years, as such days (along with Christmas, Valentines day, etc) really depress me more then usual, those days driving the idea home more that I'm only getting older, am still alone and things aren't going too well.


I've been pondering on this, but I can't really think of a way to avoid my birthday, without hurting either my mom's or my dad's feelings or make them suspicious. Can anyone help me?

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You're twenty-one. Hell, I just happily celebrated a birthday and I'm 26! Don't worry about the aging thing. One, you're way too young to start missing your youth. You should make the next five years the best ones of your lives. Two, a wise friend of mine told me that young is always ten years older than you are. (I really love that quote, I keep repeating it.) So stop worrying about getting older. All it's doing is taking away from your energy to do something useful now.

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The only thing you can really do, is to talk to your parents. With something like this, communication is key, and you can't ignore your own feelings and just endure it, and I'm sure your parents wouldn't be happy if they found out that you had all these feelings inside but didn't even tell them, you know?

Either way, I really hope it turns out for the best for you, for that is what everyone deserves on their own day of life-gift.

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if you really don't want to go through withthis i suggest you just have a talk with your parents out it, they should understand. give them a liable reason why so they aren't confused and hurt, and so you aren't hurt as well.if you don't know why you don't want the party then maybe you should think about how you've been feeling lately. there's always a reason for how we feel. i suggest you take sometime to yourself and sort your feelings

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Yeah...I just wish they would get a clue themselves...the reason I haven't celebrated my birthday in years is because I always have to call it off last minute anyway, due to all my family and friends cancelling their promised visits, by phone. The amount of money I lost throwing away those large quantities of spoiled food is enormous. So what's the point.


But I can hardly tell them that I don't want to celebrate my birthday because I feel bad about throwing away so much wasted food, eventually

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