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Heartbroken, need to talk! ☹️


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Some of you might remember that I posted about a guy that i was talking to for along time. When we met once last year. But he lost his job so things got tight for him and it slowed things down between us but we still kept in touch. He finally got a job jus recently and I thought things were finally going to go somewhere. We talked about going out and celebrating and an actual date, things like that. Then today 3/7. I texted and didn't hear from him all day. Which was not like him. later that night, I said is something wrong. He told me he met someone. They clicked and it just happened he said. I feel so hurt. Why did I put so much Time and Effort into him. I feel so stupid. I can't wrap my head around it. Why he did he let happen... why didn't he think of me or us. After almost a year of talking He can just do that to me so easy. I don't get it. Please help.

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Ugh, what a completely wretched thing to pull! I'm sorry. He is a louse!


You didn't do anything wrong in trying to make a relationship work with someone you had reason to believe that you could trust. You are not stupid, at all. You are honest and caring and you had every right to assume that your partner would be the same way in turn.


Have you blocked/deleted him from contacting you at this point, and off social media?

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If it makes you feel any better I just had a girl do the exactly same thing to me. We were dating and she met someone else lead me on for a month and then dropped me like a rock. The fact is he did it because you were far more invested in him than he was in you. It really sucks when this happens because we feel that our self worth is low. But when the anger and sadness fade you will be relieved that you have the chance to meet someone that will give you everything they can. That is the person I am waiting to meet. He does not deserve you and at least he told you the truth. The girl that I was seeing told me a load of bs and then I found out because I followed her on instagram.

I just have a phone number. Why did he do it. I keep asking myself that. Did he just not care?
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Before I met my current BF, I chatted with a man for several months while he sorted out his divorce (he was living in another state). I knew him from my past (although we never dated) and we reconnected via FB. Long story short, he moved back to my state and we went out a couple of times, and were discussing exploring a relationship. Two days after I took him out to dinner, I noticed another lady posted on his FB wall a message about enjoying her evening out with him. Game over. So I kind of know how you feel. I was somewhat emotionally invested in this man, and then I was blindsided. Within weeks he was in a relationship with this new girl. That was his choice, and initially it stung, but I moved on... It took a couple of years after that to meet my current BF. He is so much more a match than the other guy, so I feel it was meant to be. Perhaps you don't see it that way now, but I hope you do. Sorry this happened to you.

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Sorry to say this, but he was just using you as emotional support and someone to chat to when he's bored. Nice not having to put in the effort that would've otherwise been required in a relationship but still getting the companionship he needs, then when times right and he no longer needs you, he goes to find someone he's actually serious about dating, in real life.


Don't have online "relationships". Live in the real life. If someone doesn't have the means to date you in real life (whether genuinely or just an excuse), they're not for you, move on. Don't waste time.


Edit to add: watch the feet, not the mouth. Someone can tell you they are into you a million times, compliment you every way they know how, doesn't cost a thing. In reality, if they aren't willing to take action, in this instance to make the effort to date you in real life, no matter the reason, their action has proven their real intention, regardless of what they say.

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