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My ex and I are best friends but we both still have feelings


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My ex and I met while we were selling cars. We quickly became best friends and then started dating. We were together for 6 months when he went to Russia. One of his exs (in Russia) started causing issues so he came back home and surprised me. Anyway, when he came back he let it slip that he had gone to his exs house and she made him dinner. He insisted nothing happened and I believed him. But I knew he was upset by the drama she had caused with his friends and I assumed he needed space. Less than a week later we're sitting on the couch and we start talking and decide we're like fire and gasoline and we break up. He's still my best friend and I still have feelings for him. And he says he still has feelings for me. But I don't know what to do

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6 mos of dating is not that long. How well do you really know him? He's not over his ex at best, if she even is an ex. They may be on/off if he's bouncing back between you and her now.


Tread carefully and don't be a shoulder to cry on. Does he want fwb? He dumped you twice. He's not your "best friend".


Concern yourself with you, not him or them. Start getting on dating apps and meet men who aren't "confused" or in the throes of ex drama.

We were together for 6 months when he went to Russia. when he came back he let it slip that he had gone to his exs house and she made him dinner. I knew he was upset by the drama she had caused. He's still my best friend and I still have feelings for him. And he says he still has feelings for me.
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