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i REALLY REALLY like this girl rite but i asked her out and she said shed want to hang out some time but she doesnt kno me that well. then i asked her on a scale of 1-10 how much of there is of us getting together (i was thinkin like 2 lol) she said 7 (THATS GOOD RIGHT???) were going to the moves on saturday but bfore were gonna go to her house to hang out then to the moveis then back to her house. shes the good girl type and were total opposites. i hope we will get together b/c we r both lookin for the same kinda relationship (the bestfriend girlfriend thing , but she wants a bestfriend boyfriend thing) any advise????

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what kind of advice are you looking for?

All I can say is be a good guy to her, talk about her interests, try to get her talking, and if she can tell you're actually interested in what she has to say, then you both should have a good time.

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i think a 7 is really good! she definitly likes u! jus don't push anything on her she's not ready 4? ya know... u should try to hold her hand or summin at the movies if she lets u dats a good sign... if she does'nt then.... jus give her a lil bit more time n she'll cum around!

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