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if u read OMG PLZ HELP ME! plz read this n help!

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ok so last night he emailed me and said to call him at 5 but my sister came and picked me up and i never got a chance to call him, but i think he should call me. He still has'nt called me and if he does'nt after today it will have been 3 days scince we talked! Should i call him or jus wait?! and if i do call him should i still tell him that i'm hurt with him? or will that make him mad?

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Please try to calm yourself down first, b/c you want to sound that you are not all riled up from not hearing from him in 3 days. You need to keep your composure & cool when you 2 do talk again over the phone or in person. However are you 2 in a new relationship or is he just a new guy acquaintance? Either way you cannot be too demanding, especially if you 2 already have the opportunity to see e/o in person or have plans to. Some guys tend to have more independence than others & are not much of phone talkers, but talk more in person. Go ahead & call him up b/c he maybe expecting you to call him up since he asked you to earlier & you couldn't. However, in the future make sure that the phone calls go both ways, otherwise you will not know if this guy sincerely likes you or are you simply just convenient company? And that he is simply returning your phone call. Some people especially guys want to see if they really miss a girl by not contacting her. But who knows, he may be really busy with school or work, so if he neglects you again, then you can joke around about it so he doesn't feel pressured. Or simply not contact him & see if he comes around or not. If someone disrespects you, do NOT accept it, just keep yourself distant from them. People respect people who respect themselves. Remember it's better to have self-dignity over a relationship!

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ok c i should of jus typed the whole story again. but what it is is i've known him 3-5 maybe more months. well he flirted and everything and then he asked me for my aim. then he asked me to go to the skating rink. but i could'nt. so he did'nt ask anymore. then he asked for my phone number. O.k we talked on the phone for like 7 or 8 hrs strait for about a week everynite! well i told him about my feelins for him and he's like this is awsome. n then all of a sudden he's jus like i don't feel like dat. but his bff and all his friends who are my friends say he does but he's jus under to much pressure and is scared?! i dunno but i mean he was all worried about me and now he won't even call?! but he DID ask me to call him but i dunno if want to or what to say. i'm hurt with him for so many different reasons but i dont' know if i should tell him or not. i mean if he really doe'nt like me than y did he lead me on to think he did?

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