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Alright well - last night around 11:30ish, this girl I've known since start of last year IM'd me because she just got back from soccer. She asked me if anything was wrong because she thought I was really down and told me that she'd be there for me if I needed her and that she doesn't like seeing me like that. I told her nothings wrong because... nothing is and to not jump to conclusions about me since I'm different everytime.


So she still went on about how I could be down because my ex, I told her no, that I'm completely over her now and she asked me if I have interest in anyone now or was my ex the only one? I told her no she wasn't the only one and that like my SN says "Let my life live itself" I'm just laid back now and don't mind - Things that happen to me will happen to me and I won't chase after anything, I also told her right after that sentence that I didn't even expect my ex to ask me out in the first place. So she responded with "Would you expect (her name)?"


Then she interuppted with a school assignment that she had a question about, so I helped her out there and after that I told her I was really tired (which I was) and that I'm going to goto sleep and that I would talk to her tmrw about it. When I thought about it, it seemed pretty harsh, I didn't say no exactly, but I think thats the message she got.


I went to school today and saw her - she seemed really down near the end of school and I was going to tell her that I'd call later on tonight but by the time I was about to say it, she had already passed me. So I went to soccer practice, did that, came home - and she was on MSN. Unfortunately she was set to "Away", I'm thinking shes probably at soccer (cause she told me she had soccer tonight) and so I left a message telling her to call me later tonight.


So now I'm here waiting for that call - if she does call, I'm planning to ask her out because I'm pretty sure that's what she tried to do the night before and I'd want to go with her. Question is should I? or am I completely assuming wrong about her liking me? I like her too, I know her very well and we've been REALLY good friends over the past year.


EDIT: Oh and also, a little add on - when a bunch of us were at school from like.. 6~11PM because of some school stuff. When I was about to exit through the door, her and her best friend were talking about me and someone asked her who she liked and I didn't clearly hear what they asked her but then I heard her friend laughing and saying "he's right there too!" (Me and them were the only ones waiting for a pickup) That was about a month ago

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I'd go for it, but if you want to do it without sticking your neck totally out, I would use these sentences (or soemthing like them) and pause between them to make sure you have a good reaction. If the reaciton is not good, stop. If it is, go to the next sentence:



"You know, I really enjoy (or have fun talking) with you"


"We should try to do it more often (or just more, or again soon, or regularly, or anything like that)."


If these two get good reactions, just ask. She wants you to ask, and she will probably say yes.

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Alright, I got the call from her and heres berifly of what happened when she called..


She told me she was out and she just got back in and asked me whats up - I basically told her about how she was really down today and she told me about how I do that to her (even thought I already explained that I can be like that but nothing is wrong with me) so then we went over it and I asked her about what she was going about the night before, she was kinda speechless so I asked her "You wanna hang out?"


She responded with a silent "yeah" and I said "sounds like an unsure response there ya know?" then she responded again with a much louder "yes" and told me that one of her friends is going out with her b/f on friday, and asked me if I wanted to tag along with her and her friends. Of course I said sure ^^ and so I'm kinda glad things worked out for the best

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