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Have faith in a long distance relationship

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I am a true believer in making a long distance realtionship work. I am dating a Marine that is going to be sent over to Iraq this summer. I know in my head there is no doubt that he is the one. I am also very young, but have been through a lot of bad relationships to let me know that I have found a keeper. There is a lot that still do not know about love, especially since this guy is my first love. I know that a LDR is a lot of work, but worth it in the end when my Marine comes home to me. :scatter:

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LDR's work for some and not for others. I'm in a semi LDR right now. My boyfriend lives about 20 miles from me and nither of us have a car. He works hours that make it hard for me to go over as much as we'd like but it's been working out fine really. As for another country I don't know. It can be difficalt not being able to see someone you love, especially when they are so far away. I'll warn you that you will likely be unhappy and miss him. Your likely to mope about a lot.

Try not to do it and take your mind off things by doing stuff you enjoy. It will be hard work, but if you are sure he is the one then of course it's worth it.

Good Luck,


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I am currently in a long distance relationship. After almost 3 years together living in London I decided to move back home to Scotland, it was a difficult decision but I felt that our realtionship was strong enough to handle it and I think that in the long tun it is good because you learn to appreciate each other more and when you make it you know that you can handle anything and it makes your relationship stronger.

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LDRs work if you make them work. I am dating a Sailor(Navy) and we have been together for over a year. I know that he is the One. Right now he is going to school to learn how to do his job, but as soon as he goes off to sea, I know that I will worry about him; but I know that he will always come back to me.

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LDRs are definitely difficult, especially when you are in different countries. But, they can work. My boyfriend and I live about 6,000 miles apart right now. He's in the US, I'm in Japan. We've been this far apart for over 7 months. It's hard as heck, but I will be returning to the US in 6 months, so it helps to have that to look forward to.


It is hard, but it can be done if you are willing to go through all the work and emotional difficulties it brings.

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Ldr are very difficult and they do need alot of trust and communciation when ever possible, but on the other hand if they do work out and think they could be the type of relationship that survives the most, there is alot of hardwork and commitment involved also alot of tears as well but my moto is ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi this is my first post.

can anyone help me out? i have this ldr well semi ldr. let me explain.


we used to go to the same school when i was back in malaysia and so thats how we knew each other. we are still together for 1 yr 8 months. after school i went to england for further studies and now i regret. malaysia and england are 7 hrs away from each other. we both have alot of trust in each other and we used to be commited. before i left thats what both of us felt. and when i reached both of us still felt the same way. but ever since her college started its been so difficult. she says shes got alot of work to do and i trust her and undestand. she also doesnt call me now and when i talk to her she seems like bored of me or something. but thats because she says shes either tired or doing work and i call at wrong times. but theres no other time for me to call because of the time difference.


she only calls me when i ask her to call me. and she goes out with her friends sometimes and then i ask her howcome you can afford to go out when she is busy and then cannot talk to me. i feel like im left out of her life now. and sometimes i take a peak at her friendster account and shes got all these friends and theres this picture of a group of friends and her and shes all close to him. i get jealous when i see this only because im not with her.


i always trust respect and understand her... but once when she told me she wanted to break up with me while i was here i felt like as if she had another bf. but she said no and she wanted to concentrate on studies. after this incident i dont really trust her anymore. its difficult to see pictures of her with some group of people. i want my academic year to end so i can go back im desperate. i dont want to break up.


before i left both of us promised each other that she wont love anyone else and she said i will always be by her side. it doesnt feel the same. when i call her i don't know what to say because we live in different places and sometimes i don't want to disturb her. i dont even want to finish my second year of college in england. i have to stay here for 9 months. i think it is affecting my studies now. but i always think my priorities is she comes first on top of any other thing.


any advice?

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i just called her again. now she says whether we are meant to be together or not. i called her from 8:30 till 9:30 and she didn't pick up. until i just recently called her again. and i asked her about that picture and she said she went clubbing. and she didn't even tell me. its not like i need to be told everytime where she is going or need to ask where she can go. but going to a club is pretty important and i feel scared if i don't know. but i will still allow her to go without a doubt. and she says that if she didn't tell me then she could go. but shes never ever asked me wheher she cold go to a club so how does she know my response. i dont believe her that she didn't tell me. i would have easily let her go. i feel like im restricting her but im not. i told her many times that i dunt mind you going anywhere but just tell me if its important things like going out. and she hasnt been to a club. i feel its dangerous especially people i don't know who. i mean wont u feel insecure. going out to a club u can just get drunk and find yourself somewhere u dont even know. and she can afford to go to a club but not have time for me.

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You need to know how she feels before you make any decisions, there is no point leaving your studies and going back there to be with her if her feelings have changed. If you both want to be together and she does come first then go back to be with her, if you are sure it is really what you want. Good luck

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she has said that she doesnt have feeling for me because im not with her and the only communication we get is through phone. i asked her today and she said she kind of like someone else. i don't know what to do. i still dont want to let her go. i know she still loves me but because we are so far apart our relationship has died down. i know that her feelings is now she doesnt want me. but i know shes only saying that so i can walk away, but im determined to make this work. if i loose her my determination and motivation is all lost.


she said she will think about it. i hope its still not to late. im going back in 2 months time. what else can i do to revive this relatinship?

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  • 1 month later...

I am a true believer in making a long distance realtionship work. I am dating a Marine that is going to be sent over to Iraq this summer. I know in my head there is no doubt that he is the one. I am also very young, but have been through a lot of bad relationships to let me know that I have found a keeper. There is a lot that still do not know about love, especially since this guy is my first love. I know that a LDR is a lot of work, but worth it in the end when my Marine comes home to me.


Love is friendship set on fire.



I too am in a ldr military relationship. My b/f is in the army and is stationed in Seattle, Wa. Although it's incredibly hard we're hanging in there. So far I see him twice a yr however he's supposed to be deployed next May. I know w/o a doubt that he's the one for me even though I'm really young as well...I know that it's worth all of the heart ache in the end I know b/c of the way I feel when I finally get to be w/ him again! All I can say is just hang in there and if you know he's the one then don't give up...it'll be hard at times and the road ahead is probably going to only get tougher but just keep the faith and you'll be just fine. Good luck!

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