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Alrite, here is the thing. PLease give me lot of advice, any would be appreciated.



I used to be a flirty playboy. Tend to keep a girl not even for 2 weeks, but with my current gf, i changed a bit. I been going out with this girl so about 6 months. She is a first timer, never had a bf b4.



Im still very flirty with girls around my school. She gets jealous and advoids talking to me. I want her to know i'll only love her, but she doesnt believe. She dont' even talk no more. At least to me...I could just end the relationship but she is the first girl i actually loved. We had a talk about this last night and i skrewed up again today. What is wrong with me, i have absolutely no control on myself. Today one of my friends asked me out. I can accept her as my gf if i break up with my current one. BUT I DONT WANT TO BREAK OFF. MY friend is very easy going.



Maintain a friendship with new girl. Be 4given and 2nd chanced by my current gf. Stop being so flirty.



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Your desires are incompatible with each other...I think if you gf knows that your friend asked you out and she will if you're honest w/her, then she is not going to be cool with you being friends with this girl. I am confused by your relationship...you say she doesn't talk to you anymore...if so, then how are you two together?

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If you want your gf to forgive you, knock it off and stop flirting with everyone who's path you cross.


That's a cop out that you can't control yourself. If you wanted to, you would reign in your urges to flirt and save them for your gf.


I agree with the other poster that you should not attempt friendship with a girl who is clearly interested in you if you want your present gf to stay with you. It's disrespectful and inconsiderate of her feelings.


I understand the occasional flirtation, I've done it, my bf has done it, but if it were all the time every day it would get old fast and I can see why your gf is fed up with your actions.

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That girl is my friend since K-1. So you expect me to chose my gf over my home girl.? I dont think so. GF can always be replaced but home girls kant. Its lyk my second nature to be so flirty. I guess you guys MITE be right and respect her. But losing my friend is an impossible. thanks for the advice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Breaking up with your current girlfriend won't do anything.

You'll eventually want her back, every single time.


At the moment, other girls might seem more intresting.. like your "home girl" but.. she'll never be like the one you are currently dating.


You are an indecisive person, and you are probably scared of commiment, which is why you are so flirty.

If your anything like me, you probably don't want to be alone either.


You obviosily like this girl alot more than you think since, you found a forum site about relationships, just to ask what you should do with her.


For the people that said "stop being flirty. It's that easy" No. Actually its not.

It probably became a habit which you have to get rid of. If you seriously want a commiment, your going to have to use that flirty energy on something else. Like a sport, and such.


Find something to get your mind off girls.

If she really is the one you love, then your going to have to change.

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