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Help . kind of worried need some info asap


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Hey guys,


I have a girl friend and she is a virgin, neither I or n e one else has penetrated her vigina. The last couple of times a 2 weeks ago.. litterly only like 3 times with one time underwear being on we surfaced. I didnt put my penis inside of her only to a point where my penis was touching her vigina. and i am 100. percent sure . that i didnt ejaculate while it was over there. She is a little nervous cause recently she is feeling nausiated and she never feels like that even on planes or boat rides. She said she felt like throwing up but hasnt yet. She also hasnt been sleeping properly. SHould i be worried ? if she is pregnant then how soon or when is it to late to get an abortion ? how soon can i do a pregnancy test ? whats the best ones ? please reply asap

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As for the likeliness: I highly doubt it, but remember that no member here is a pregnancy test, so go to a farmacist and have the employees tell you how to use it. Here in Holland, we have pregnancy tests that can be used at any time of the cycle, but I'd recommend you to first wait if her period comes.


As for the latter: periods have the nasty property of staying away or being late when you are stressed. I was worried after I broke up with an ex (these are the times that I go crazy about being pregnant), and it was 4 days late. I was on the pill so that was really scary. I did the test, it was negative, I relaxed and what do you know... of course there it was.


As for having 'morning sickness': my guess it's stress too. If you are really scared, which I can tell your girlfriend is, your body can get out of balance by breathing too quickly and having too much adrenalin all the time.


The solution is one visit to the pharmacy, buy a pregnancytest and a pack of condoms to avoid a next time to make you this scared.



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I agree with what has been said above.She's not pregnant.She might believe she is and thats why she's having all this nausea and stuff.The mind is even more powerful than the body,you make yourself believe you're sick and you can become sick.Trust me,I know this for a fact.So in order to relax herself she might want to take a pregnancy test.

About aborting,I think its always too late to do it.Did you know that the heart of the fetus starts palpitating after only 3 weeks? So its always killing,at two weeks pregnant or 2 months.

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With reference to abortion, there are very strong views and I hold my own. However, as a professional I believe in a woman's choice. So in answer to your question, I can only speak for the UK, where you can legally have an abortion up to 24 weeks. However, it is advisable before 12 weeks.


But as has already been said, it is very unlikely that your gf is pregnant, however not impossible. A lot of the pregnancy tests these days are more sensitive in detecting the rise in pregnancy hormones released, thereforeeee she can take the test at the time a period would be due, rather than waiting a couple of days.

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