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when to ask em out? ok do u become friends wiht em first and for how long before u ask em out, orr do u just make small talk with em be a casual aquitance and then ask her out, which ways do u guys do it and which ways work the best. i did the small talk and ask out and got rejected. the is in a school situation-college. what about situtations in the gym, library, bus... what do u do. i heard some gals are afraidn if they don't now the guy very well or at all that it comes off as scary-he could be a creep or something. hmm


one thing i never had a gf is i am 24 and like only asked like one girl out in my whole life that is why. so i dont; really have a record

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...getting to know the girl first may be better...at least that's what's worked for me. I met my current girlfriend in a college class and we got to talking and I soon suggested just going to lunch...which we did a few times...went over to her house once or twice for a movie. This went on for like three months, basically 'just friends.' I asked straight-up she she wanted to do the 'boyfriend/girlfriend' thing before Christmas and things have been good since.


She's only my second girlfriend and i'm pretty patient about such things. I wanted to know if she was worth the emotional investment. She was the only prospect so taking things very slow was fine.

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