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Does she really like me?

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My gf and I have been in this relationship for a while now. For the whole time i've always suspected that she liked this other guy that goes to our school. The one that i think my gf likes has had a gf for like ever so my gf never had a chance to ask him out before we went out. How do i know she likes me and isnt gonna break up with me as soon as the one she really likes breaks up with his gf?

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Seeing how intimate she is with you. Try what's called Proxemics, if you stand in her "intimate space" if she doesn't back away, she's into you. If she backs away, not good. Just basically see if she gives you any flirting, body language signs, or if she'll do anything for you sexually. If not any of these you're outta luck .

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Feelings change, and often. Unless you have reason to suspect she still likes the guy (for instance, she keeps calling him....has a class with him and likes to partner up...) I wouldn't worry to much.


She obviously has feelings for you, or she wouldn't be going out with you. My suspicions are that even though she liked this guy for awhile, she gave up when you came along. Suddenly, she realized that this other guy isn't really an option, and has focused her attention on you. Congrates, you've won her affections.


It's possible she's still "getting over" this other guy. Silly as it seems, some girls who crush on guys FOREVER are hurt when they decide to move on....despite the fact there was never a "relationship", perse. I'm one of those girls, and trust me, getting over a crush you had deep affectiosn for is almost as painful as getting over a boyfriend you really loved.


Ask her about it, in a non-threatening way. Put everything out on the table, and don't be offended if she admits she's still got feelings for this guy. If you continue to be a great boyfriend, it's more than likely her feelings for this other guy will diminish and her feelings for you will grow and grow.


Hope this helps. Take care!

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Seeing how intimate she is with you. Try what's called Proxemics, if you stand in her "intimate space" if she doesn't back away, she's into you. If she backs away, not good. Just basically see if she gives you any flirting, body language signs, or if she'll do anything for you sexually. If not any of these you're outta luck .


I agree with the last part (about how she responds to flirting and body language), but the first part is a bit too 'black and white' to be applied to everyone, and in any situation. I like to have quite a bit of personal space when around strangers - usually about 2 feet each way. This doesn't change until I am really comfortable with someone.


The only way to really know whether or not someone likes you is either:


* To ask them straight out.


* Allow time to tell you how serious they are.


* Determine based on their actions towards you. I won't be overly friendly or considerate of a person I do not like. Most people are like this.

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It seems that you have difficulty trusting your girlfriend and this is bordering on jeaulousy. Girls do not like that sort of attitude.


I understand your concerns, but i feel that you should be more confident about yourself.


If she wants to have lunch with her ex-bf allow her, if she wants to go to the boy you suspects she fancies let her do it.


In short, if you let her have her freedom, then she will start to admire you for it. As your confidence will shine through, making her more attracted to you.

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