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Feel so mad I want to laugh


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Just to say also- my other friend who knew about this yday afternoon and has spoken to him about it, says he feels so bad and knows he's messed up etc. So I guess I feel like my feelings are justified in the respect that both me and my friend gave him 6 nout and he feels like a fool. So he should. We are friends. If I knew he had intentions of sleeping with my friend I wouldn't have gone there


If he cared about what you and your friend think about this whole situation, he wouldn't have done it in the first place. He knew you would find out about her and she would find out about you. He knew you and her reaction would not be a positive one! It's not rocket science.


He doesn't feel like a fool he feels like he's "the man" and that he got away with it. In his head he's a stud that can have sex with who he wants to when he wants to at least around the office.

Of course he acts innocent now he wants to brush it all under the rug so maybe his work position will stay secure and this will not interfere with him losing his job. Though you and your friend are more in danger of losing it than he is.


Of course he may act like he "feels bad" about the whole situation, though I gaurantee that if he had another chance to do it again HE WOULD with both of you.


Let's hope he doesn't turn you two friends against each other...don't play his game or continue to play it get out of it while you can...

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