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Cystitis HELL

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I just go for constant water. Drink it like you've been in a desert for days without it. You get sick of it, but it's the only thing that's really helped make a difference, i used to co-incide this with a couple of thrush treatments (Yeah, one wasn't enough for me due to the amount of antibiotics i'd taken).


It took time for it to disappear, but it did eventually. I put it down to the 3 courses of antibiotics wreaking havoc on my gut system. I had no more good bacteria left, so i think my ph and everything was out of whack. Took time to get back to normal.

Maybe even take some good bacteria capsules to give a boost, and Vitamin C tablets. High dose. They are supposed to help stop an infection in the first place.


A few weeks ago i woke up needing a number 1, and i burned in agony the whole time. I suddenly kept needing to go (urgency) every few minutes.

I knew this was a warning sign, so i drank water constantly until i could get in to see the Dr.

By the time i got there at about 11am, she asked me for a water sample, and i swear it was like pure water. That's how much i drank. We laughed and she tested it anywyay. She commented there was blood in it, but it wasn't visible. Also high level of antibodies. So i was fighting off infection there somewhere. However, there was NO BACTERIA showing up. The water could have diluted it too much or flushed it out.

She prescribed me antibiotics anyway and i didn't take them. I've just kept them in case of emergencies.


Sorry it's long winded. I hope you start to feel better soon though. Let me know how you get on. (hugs)


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Thanks Limiya, you too.


I have drank so much water I think I got overhydration! Haha. But yeah I'm on my third lot of antibiotics, I think I may stop the ones I'm on cause the doctor didn't even want to give me the ones I'm on now as there was no infection, and I'm so dopey and weak from them all.


I started drinking aloe vera juice, having yacult, yoghurt and Berroca which I think may have helped a bit. Still don't feel right though...


My mother told me she thinks I have a retroverted uretha, because she has one, meaning that infections just take longer to go as they get stuck in the uretha. Which does make some sense. I've also always been one to get sore throats that make months to go etc, meaning I'm a sensitive type who can just take a long time to get over infections, especially because of some underlying stress.


I'll continue with the water and not weeing constantly. Seems to be the only thing that works over several weeks


I haven't been having any sex either! So I've been being good all round. Still waiting to hear what my blood test shows, so will let you know if anything arises. Can be such a lonely, embarrassing illness. xx

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