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Hello everyone,


I have a quick question. See, I'm graduating in about two months, finally, but I am also pretty nervous about it all.


But thats really off topic, the real question is about finding someone. I'm pretty new here, so I dont know if anyone has asked this question before, but I'm going to.


I'm wondering, do people think it's easier to find someone outside in the real world, or in a bottled society like college? I mean, it seems like the world is so endless, that it is nearly impossible to meet potentials. In college I always meet new people, at parties, in class, at bars, etc. but I don't see that being the case out there.


I see myself in my job, working, and perhaps going out on the weekend. But i dont know, where do you meet people when you're not in a highly sociable setting? I know bars are a place, but bars are not my favorite place. They're fun, but usually when I go I try to have a good time not find someone to spend time with. And then I think about it, the only place to meet people would be at work, or possibly through connections with old friends.


I don't know, it's not the most important thing to worry about now, but I was just thinking about it. I'm also moving away for work, which doesn't make me very secure. I'm going to be in a new place where I won't know anyone, and it's going to be hard to make new friends let alone try to find someone to spend time with. Anyone got ideas? I'm sure people have experienced living in a new place, and it would be great to get some pointers so I'm not going into this situation blindly.


Thanks everyone!

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I wouldn't really just go walk on the street looking for women. "Hey! How's Saturday, at T.G.I Fridays?" [slap] lol. I'd find it easier to meet women like in the last 5-10 minutes of class, or when the teacher is BS-ing and repeating a lot of things that are not important (Which is probably hard to find a time for that because it's all usually important). So after class works too.

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Consider online dating services which is now becoming the mainstream of meeting new people especially for working professionals. Since our society is becoming more fast pace, nowadays it's pretty much every man & woman for him/herself putting themselves out there. The circle of friends will usually be in a relationship or they don't know someone new to introduce to you. And it seems nowadays people are more picky than ever over the little things, so there are older singles as well. The common theme among people when they go off to the real world & meeting new people is that you will probably hang out with your co-workers. But when it comes to the ladies, the bars, clubs are not good choices. At least with online, you will have some idea of the person before you want to communicate with them & it's less confrontational for you as a guy. There are plenty of normal people using online services, it's no longer taboo anymore! I had positive experiences with them overall & met my bf that way. Good luck!

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