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theres a girl i asked out and i have been waiting about 3 days for her answer and i just asked her now if she though bout it and what was her answer bout she just signed off the computer as soon as i asked y i don't know but i was wondering what she was thinking what do u guys think

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hmmm. Hard one to call their did you just randomly asked her out. Like some background info would be cool. Um maybe she is scared to tell you her decision. Either yes or no you need to respect her decision her waiting 3 days to tell you sounds like she might like you and sounds like she might not. I could totally tell you if I had more background info such as does she talk to you much, spend time with you, those types of things. Andway be happy with her decision and if its a no then move on theirs many girls who you will find later down the road.

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ok well some info is in point form


- we bout round the same age and have know each other for a while now


- we r good friends and talk alot


- she tells me alot of stuff as do i and we always help each other out when were sad


- and she says she likes me and i like her alot 2

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well i blew it in the most stupid way we were talking bout the other day when i didn't come over cause of alot of her friends being there and i was shy and she says thats y now i think she don't want to go out i feel bad now over being shy over a simple thing

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Something simple like that wouldn't have swayed her mind. I think that by the sounds of it you guys being close.. and her telling you stuff and all... i think she wants to keep you more as a friend. I think she might have said she liked you just so things wouldn't become awkward, because of you telling her you liked her and if she hadn't said it back... things just might have been awkward. By asking her out she was confronted with it. If she REALLY liked you... she wouldn't have waited 3 days... there wouldn't have been any need for hesitation. I think you should take it ez on this one.

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