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How can my ex-boyfriend realize what he had if.....

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Just forget about him... You can't make anyone think about you or realize what they had with you they have to do that on their own. But one thing is for sure if he broke up with you and now your calling him and all that he wont miss having you around he'll just feel like your still in love with him and then you wont matter to him after all guys want what they cant have!

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Well, I think I remember someone here once posting that , in getting back with your ex or otherwise , nothing or nobody that he may be going out with is going to sway his decision either way.


He has memories of you that no new person can replace, we have to try very hard to look at the new person as an irrelevancy. It doesn`t mean that he doesn`t miss you, in fact it probably means in a funny way that he misses you more, in that he is immediately trying to replace the emotional/physical intimacy he has with you with someone else.


All the new person does really is make him more of a jerk.


It is so hard I know- I am probably the worst person to take advice from as my own dealings with my ex have been pitiful.

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If he has someone else and he is very happy with her, you'll have a tough time prying him away. If things are not good in that relationship, then he may see what he lost in you.


But right now, esboogie, you need to keep your distance.

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At this point the best thing you can do es is nothing. I know it seems strange but it's the truth.


Ask yourself, what haven't you already done to try and sway him? You've basically done everything.


If he's wants to come back he will eventually, but let time pass. Who knows by then it might have been so long that you may not want him back. Think about that.

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Hello Esboogie!!


I'm sorry you are feeling soo much pain right now, but it WILL get better!! I'm going through a similliar situation myself. I'm sure you know you have NO control over someones free-will. I've read a few of your posts and this man seems like a jerk, who doesn't deserve you!! I don't mean to sound harsh here, but YOU need to worry about yourself right now and MOVE ON with your own life. I know its hard, but I'm sure you can do it, don't make any contact with him and if he tries to contact you, ignore his attempts, that is the only way to heal right now.


I'm sure once you make yourself happy with you, and are content with things. He will come back, they always do, and hopefully by that time you are healed up enough to tell him, SORRY, but you had your chance. Then maybe he will think about things, but don't count on it. Also you said he may be with someone else? If that is the case, he isn't sitting there worrying about you, he is having a good time with that other person!


I'm sorry I know this sounds mean, but sometimes people are selfish and do horrible things at the other persons expense. It is now up to you to do things that make YOUR life better and more satisfying for yourself.


I hope this helps!! If you need someone to talk to you can p.m. me any time. Also if you want you can read my story, sometimes that helps get your mind off of yours. (Sorry I don't know how to insert yet...LOL)


Take Care and stay STRONG!!!



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Hey ES


I know what you are going through. I had the same problem only I was pregnant. He may think about you and miss you which is true.


My ex suer didn't miss me or care at all about the baby. We lost the baby and he didn't say antything to me I came home and he works with my brother he gave him a bag and in it was the ultra sound pictures and everything I ever gave him while we dated. Including cards.


My guy hooked up with his bosses daughter and I had a feeling it was going to happen before he broke up with me all he ever did was try yell at me to leave him alone. Hard when you are pregnant let me tell you.


My ex is scum. He wasn't willing to grow up and take responsiblity. it may be a phase of lust your ex or mine maybe going through but actions speak louder than words.


I had alot of empty promises made about this baby and trying to work things out but the only time we talked was over the phone he has not seen me in over two months.


It is hard to make them realize what they had. I could try but to me after they way he has treated me. If he would come back I would through every promise and game he played teh last few months in his face an walk away.


Was your ex good to you? Did he leave in a dignified manor?

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