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So much Love and Trust? but...

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I met this guy Andrew. He is such a great guy, he really loves me, I can tell when he looks at me, and every 2 seconds he tells me he loves me and never wants to lose me. I really do love him with all my heart. He is the best guy out there. But....he does stupid stuff, he has a bad temper, and lately hes been takin pills. I dont know why he does it, he told me he would stop, and I believe him, but its just I dunno. I really dont want to lose him, and same with him, he dont wanna lose me, he crys everytime he thinks im gonna hurt him, and then I cry, hes really such a sweetheart but he has another side to him, he gets so mad and starts to punch things. He never got physical with me, and I know he never will, he is madly in love with me, but how do I put up with his need to punch things, and take pills?

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I think you should talk to him about this. Maybe tell him to get help. I've had an ex boyfriend who was a lot like that and I know how you feel. Just sit him down and explain everything that you're feeling. If he really loves you, he'll take it into serious consideration.



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You don't say how old you are or how long your relationship has been going for so my comment assumes you have not been together all that long.


I think this guy is sending out some dangerous signals. First of all is his attachement to you, it sounds as though it is bordering on obsessive. Second is his temper, especially the need to punch things. That should tell you some things about him and how he responds to stressful situations. You could be sitting on a time bomb here. Talk to him about it, tell him you will not tolerate physical displays of violence (even if it is punching a wall) and encourage him to seek some professional counselling.


The guy seem sto have very low self-esteem and that combined with his attachement to you and his volatility is a very dangerous mix.

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