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drunk person calling you

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Well - I call my best friend, and hopefully, she is drunk too, and then we have tons of fun conversation, which neither of us remembers the next day!


Hmmm... there is a guy I "drunk e-mail" sometimes, and he "drunk e-mails me too." I do have a *tiny* crush on him, but, for a whole variety of reasons, things can never work between us. So, I guess things are kept at the level of friendly flirtation...

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If a guy pestered me, wanted to be with me or emailed me only when drunk, I'd think it was because he was ashamed to be around me/didn't want anything to do with me, when he was sober, to be honest. I mean, if he loves you, he'd be there either drunk or sober, surely??


On the other hand, being drunk gives us 'dutch courage', especially shy folks. Drunk folks do things that they wouldn't normally do, say things that they wouldn't normally say, basically drink gives them courage to say those things they wouldn't pluck up the courage to say while sober. This is why I guess, that people will say 'A drunk person always tells the truth'.


I don't phone or pester anyone when drunk......but err, I've done some silly things in the past while intoxicated, including ringing ex boyfriends, who the very next morning and when sobered up, I coulda kicked myself for ringing

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Well, I think I have never been that drunk that I'd call someone. If I get a bit drunk it usually means I left the pub/disco/bar at like 08:00 AM so ehr... straight into bed lol






Anyway, they could be thinking of you, but I really wouldn't assign any additional meaning to it. I mean, suppose this is a guy that you like and he calls you when he's drunk but not when sober. I think I'd soon have found a good reason to see him in a different light and would probably not like him in that way anymore. But that's just me. I don't like men when they are drunk and acting all blabla blurblur. It happened to me once and it didn't really improve the friendship.


It's different when you're both drunk I think. I cannot drink a single drop because of medication and I am like a person quitting smoking and being all against smoking all of the sudden, see?





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I remembered an incident that i rang most of the people on my hp, when i was drop dead drunk. haha!


That doesnt mean you are thought of fondly, but you just happen to be on my mind.


So, i really dun know, if a guy do call.


If i were to put onto such a hypothesis question, my answer would be, if he is really drunk, i dun think he should be talking coherently to me.

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butterflies, I have to ask... when you say call, do you mean phoning another person or name-calling?


Where I live, the expression of calling someone means name-calling.


It's quite confusing when different expressions are used in different areas. For instance, when I moved out of the area and one of my colleagues was telling me about boysfriends, she used the expression, "I went with him," meaning she dated him but where I come from that means sleeping with them!


Another thing which nearly made my eyes pop was when a year 9 pupil at the school I work, casually told me she'd sacked her boyfriend. She apparently meant she'd ended their relationship but then there's the old saying, "I'm going to hit the sack", meaning I'm tired so I'm going to bed so I thought she was starting a little young, know what I mean!


Anyway, that's me done.


Hope I didn't get the wrong end of the stick.


Take care


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