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Looking for Zen Buddhists.

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Hi. My name is Peter and I am an atheist. I try to believe in god but I've finally come to the comclusion that there is none and never will be one. I would not like to offend others by this, this is my own opinion.

Recently I've also thought of the fact that I need spiritualistic help and structure to form self-discipline and self-motivation for myself to overcome my current obstacles.

I've found Zen Buddhism to be very appealing and relative. I would like to receive some feedback on how Zen Buddhist followers have applied this to their life and the outcome. Thank you.

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I'm with you. There are so many different religions around the world, it makes me chuckle that they all think they are right! In my humble opinion, religion was invented by man because people fear life and death. That is. many people don't want to believe that there's nothing after they die, after all its a scary thought to think we are all alone in the universe!


Religious people should not take offence at non religious people anyway,after all, they're convinced there is an afterlife/God whatever, so why should someone else's comments matter, after all we'll get our punishment on Judgement Day.


i have no problem with people believing what they want, so I hope no-one is offended by me not believing! I seriously don't want that to be the case and I'm not attacking religion in anyway.


Have a look at link removed, lots of info there for you. I personally find Zen buddhism and Taoism quite interesting, not saying I believe it, after all, again, its just someone's opinion in writtem form, but I take what I find useful and apply it to my daily life.


I think that we should have a lot more faith in ourselves as the human race (although with the state of the world as it is that can be very hard, hence religion), then we should worrying about whats going to happen when we die and living our lives to please someone or something that is only written or spoken about.

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Hello, well let me just get this out in the open, I'm from Cali, and yes I am a Christian. I have been raised one, but it hasnt been my beliefe till about a couple months ago. Me and my bf, of a year, had just broken up, family was going bad, my friends stunk, but you know no matter how many people disappointed me, God was there. when I got to the bottom when I thought life had no meaning, GOd was there. So maybe, God is using this curiosity as a tool for you to find his love. He did it for me, So I'll pray that he does it for you. I would love to talk to you one on one. So email me at email removed


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Hey Jones I think you're right. At least your idea on how religion was formed was btter than mine. I believe it was greed (eg. collection plates and charities to help a church) that drove one to trick people into beleiving a higher being.

But I found Buddhism and most eastern religions to be monistic and doesn't actually worship an actual god. What it appeals to me most is the characteristics of Zen Buddhism. Thanks for the link I'll be sure to look into it.

Hey Calibabe, you might be right with the god making me feel curious and stuff but no offense it's just that I don't think I see it that way either. I don't disregard the fact that Jesus might have been a real person but I don't believe their is a god looking over us. Sorry, Christianity is not the right thing for me.

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When God decides it is the right time for you to accept him and see the truth, you will, just as I did. until then I will pray for you. Just remember, just like me, you may think Christianity could never be right for you, but, just wait until God changes your life... Just wait!


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Hi Peter~ I'm from Cali and Im a Christian. Wait, please dont leave, I want to tell you a little about Christianity. Its all about a realtionship. You have to believe in God for Him to start working on you. If you think theyres no God, he wont come into your life. You may have heard this story before, but Jesus gave up his life for everyone in this world. In the Bible, it is clearly stated that sinners will forver live in torment. But God couldnt take it. He sent his son to die as a perfect man. You probably think Im crazy...I'm not. You may think this is mombo jumbo, but if you want, try reading the Bible. It's confusing, but once you believ their is God, everything comes together. If you would like to talk, I'll be here. remember, even if you want to give up on God, he doesnt want to give up on you, even though he may have to. I'm sorry if I sound like a crazy loony, but this "spirit" is my best friend.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Peter,


You asked how people use Zen Budhism in their life. I am not a real Buddhist, but it appeals to me, like it does to you. I've read a lot about it and what I find most appealing about it, is that it teaches you to be 'aware'. This seems so simple, but really if you look around you, you'll see many people who live without actually 'seeing' the world and their inner selves, thus they don't experience and enjoy it to the fullest.


Being aware every minute of the day is easy, just look around and don't try to hide for the things you don't like. I used to meditate and do yoga a lot to become aware of my body and mind.. but I've been lazy lately. But truly, by training your deep awareness of the world and your inner self, you're actually kind of your own God. It's a great feeling of power and balance.


I recommend to you the following book: Everyday Zen by Joko Beck. It is actually featured at this website! It is quite easy to read. Also, if you're seriously interested, consider visiting a buddhist centre and get into contact with a real buddhist. It's so cool to speak to someone who already reached a state of perfect awareness and balance through meditation.


Good luck! Would love to hear how you've proceeded in your quest for a good philosophy or religion that works for you



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