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could i off kissed him?

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ive got this really BAD problem... last nite i got drunk with about 7 of my gal-friends and a lad who was is currently going out with one of my mates. i dont usually get on with him. However, after we were all kind of drunk we started to walk. as we were walking dan(my mates boyfriend) put his arm around me and he said, ''your fit you are stace.'' and i just smiled. however, when we all split up int 2 groups, i was with kerry and her boyfriend(craig) as well as with my best friend toni. Toni and Kerry were out of their heads drunk, and they were shouting so i told them to sut up and i fell to the floor, craig picked me up and holded my hand he was talking to me and was taking care of me because of how drunk i was. whilst we were walking i hugged him and he felt me up, but i was okay with it because i trusted him and he was sober.. when we finally got to craigs house my bestmate toni fell on the floor and 3people stayed there with her because she was bleeding on her head, while me, craig and kerry went to craigs house because i needed to go toilet.kerry sat on the step and craig took me to the back garden. he hugged me and told me evrything would be alright and he then asked me if i would kiss him, i remember telling him that i cant because he is going out with my friend. but after i said that i cant remember if i kissed him or not. anyway, after that the only thing i remember is going upstairs in his house to go toilet, when i got there i told him i didnt need to go, i remember him feeling me up and he asked me to go with him and i cant remember if i did or not. then he took me downstairs(nothing sexual happened btw)after that we all went home.

i just dont remember if i kissed him or not, isnt there anyway i can remember? i wont see him until tuesday but i need to know if i did kiss him because of my friend! he was dead sweet with me because he was helping me all nite, he stuck with me and my mate all the time he was holding myhand. i was shocked when he asked me to kiss him but im not sure if i did,,, i might of done! he was holding my hand when he was with his girlfriend aswell but i dnt think she noticed.

if anybody can give me any advice at all i will be very gratefull!!!

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i think i did kiss him because i honestly cant remember after the points i told you about.. he was sweet to me because he was holding my hand, however i just wish there was some way i could remember.he did have a drink but he wasnt drunk.. if i cant remember does that mean i did??

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I wouldn't (if I was in your shoes) ask him. He'd just deny it because he probably did and he'd probably think he's cheating on his gf. So don't bring it up with him. Well be a good friend and admit that he felt you up and what not to your friend (not craig). And they will break up but hey just say tell your friend to make sure it's anonymous and that she (your friend) found out somehow. You don't want this guy to like get really pissed.

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I think that letting him feel you up was bad enough, even if you didn't kiss him. He's not a good boyfriend to your friend if he's going to be doing that with other girls. I suggest you tell your friend what happened because she deserves to know. Being drunk is no excuse for letting your friends boyfriend do anything with you. You are responsible for your actions, and you let him do it, so you are half to blame. It would have been different if you pushed him away after doing that. Maybe then he wouldn't have thought you would be willing to kiss him.


I really think that if you are getting too drunk to the point that you can't remember what actions you choose to do, then its not a good idea. Maybe drink less next time, or not at all. That way you won't hurt a friend by letting her boyfriend feel you up.

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I agree with Maggie. Plus, someone should perhaps give you the 'parental lecture' about getting drunk, doing things you regret while drunk, being drunk in public, drinking under age, and a whole host of other bad decisions you are apparently making. I guess I just did, but I am a parent, although not yours, so I suppose that will have to do.

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thanks for your replies.

he was sweet to me though, when i was falling over he was holding me up.

i feel like it is impossible to tell my friend incase it ruins our relationship.

i am half to blame because i knew he was doing it and i let him, i would of stopped him if he tried to go any further. he was holding my hand and feeling my arse when his girlfriend was staring at us but she never sed anything. when he took me out the back she was there watching ans we walked round, he was holding my hand,and she never did anything.

if i ask him on tuesday what happened, will he tell me the truth????

in a way i know it is wrong 4 him to do this when he is seeing somebody but she does the same with other boys. i know it is no excuse i just really done know what to do.

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