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Trying to lose weight and gain muscle

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Hey, im trying to lose about 30 lbs as soon as I can, and i would like to gain muscle in place of that... I need a healthy diet, im 15 years old. What kind of foods should I eat? I don't want to eat anything fatty. I have cut out sweet food comepletely and I'm only drinking water. I'm starting to lift weights every other day, I work out every part of my body and I run every day and play basketball.


I would like to lose atleast 20 lbs in 2 months. (lose the fat and gain the muscle)

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Keep to your running and sports I would say just eat better stuff like low in fat things or go to your doctor and tell him how much you want to do and they will ask you questions and come up with a perfect diet for just you. But I would start out eating better and stay away from fast food for awhile.

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If you want to put on muscle, you won't need to lose alot of weight, as the excess weight you have now will be turned into muscle with working out. HEalthy foods such as garden salads, potatoes, eggs, red meat, chicken, pasta and alot of fruits will help out and make you feel better. Stay away from greasy foods or anything you have to microwave, as mcrowaves take all nutrients out of foods. You might also want to try protien shakes, fruit and power bars. For liquids, water is fine, but milk is good for you as well. Stay away from alcohol as it will hinder any chance of turning fat into muscle, as alcohol is very fattening.

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definitely talk to a nutrionist or a personal trainer or a doctor. I'd hate to see you go on a crash diet, and then it stunt your growth because you are still growing. definitely make your diet more healthy - more fruits, veggies, protein - less junk food. Running is good, anything where you get out and exercise. But - because of your age, talk to a professional who will tell you how many calories, fat, and protein you should be injesting for your age.

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It's good that you have cut out sweets and fatty foods as well as soda.

I also recommend looking at the portions you eat as well as condiments.

Someone can have a salad everyday but then gain weight from the amount of dressing that they use. Also, try to east earlier in the day. Never eat past about 9 pm. Except for water.

Remember- in order to lose weight you must burn more calories than you intake. You can eat the healthiest food there is, but unless you burn more calories than you intake you can still gain weight. You've made a good start. Kepp it up. Good luck!

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This may sound a bit extreme but....


Being a Christian, I participate in lent...and for this year, I decided to give up all forms off food and drink except bread, apples, peanut butter, milk, and water.


While my intentions were to sacrifice, I ended up loosing a significant amount of weight. Before I started I was 175 lbs (6 feet tall) and about 5 weeks later I am about 162 lbs.


What surprises me most is how long I've been at 175 lbs. I am an athletic individual. I run cross country, participate in my NJROTC's Drill and Athletic teams, and I lift weights on a relatively regular basis. Not to boast, but I would say that I am a slim person.


For months -possibly a year- I've weighed 175 lbs. However, I've lost this weight after only a few weeks of this new "diet".


To tell you the truth, peanut butter, bread, and apples isn't so bad. You might want to consider it.



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Well, stick to running (3 miles every day for 3 weeks you will lose stomach and leg weight, if you wanna get some biceps, do some freeweights and a lot of push ups for the pectorals) and stick to basketball because it's such an awesome sport . Eat a lot of veggies because I don't think they have any cholesterol or any fat of any kind (unless you use dressing). And stay away from red meats and chicken, etc. for a while that'll pack on lbs if you eat it. Once and a while is ok. And yeah drink a lot of water if you already don't it purifies your face if you have zits (and the rest of your body it affects zits if you drink 8 glasses minimum a day) and helps lose weight if you exercise with it. Good luck, hope ya lose that extra baggage!

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i wish i could swim i cant... ive made a post about that before becuz i think i have too much hair on my belly and all... or i would be doing that. I remember i lost like 40 lbs in the summer a couple a years ago when i was fat by swimming everyday and i still ate anything i wanted like a horse! now ive been depressed a while and gained it all back... im 6'1 and 210 lbs. I dont really look too fat but I am its just evened out through my body and not just in one place

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i wish i could swim i cant... ive made a post about that before becuz i think i have too much hair on my belly and all... or i would be doing that. I remember i lost like 40 lbs in the summer a couple a years ago when i was fat by swimming everyday and i still ate anything i wanted like a horse! now ive been depressed a while and gained it all back... im 6'1 and 210 lbs. I dont really look too fat but I am its just evened out through my body and not just in one place


You can't swim because of ... belly hair? Like - it's so thick and long, your arms get trapped? If you're self-conscious, get it waxed. problem solved.

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If you are so ... conscious of your belly hair, of all things, there is this thing called a wax strip. You buy em at the female hygiene or cosmetics sections. You can even go to certain beauty parlours to get a wax. I'd suggest one which has the wax in a separate bottle from the paper or cloth strips. The plastic wax strips arent as effective - excepting "Veet" wax strips which come with wet wipes for after which removes the wax residue (VERY useful,l wax doesnt wash off as normal).


Swimming is by far the best cardio workout as it is low impact. And one of the great things about swimming, as dragongirl said already, is that it helps develop arms, shoulders, sides and wings (under your arms, either side of chest).


To lose weight, switch to a SUSTAINABLE low calorie diet - find what works for you, along with an exercise regiment - swimming. An idea is to drink a glass of water before meals. Meals should be light enough that you dont feel the heaviness in your belly after. The harder the exercise regiment, the quicker you lose weight but it has to be balanced out with your diet.


The body does some really weird crap if you try to starve yourself while maintaining a exercise regime - like hyper energy storage in which you actually gain weight instead of losing it. And you cant build muscle mass if you're starved - body metabolises muscle protein for energy.

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