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Did I say anything wrong?

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Hey Everybody, I need some help. I emailed a couple online guy friends with this email yesterday. I know they have read them , just didn't reply


My question is that , Is it just me? Did I say anything wrong in the email i sent them? Or are they just being igornant by not replying?

This is the message I sent them below...



Hey ,

How are you? Was wondering if you had any mail from me recently? I sent out a Holiday card to you a while ago... Well, if you haven't already, you should get it soon.

I hope you are well.

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There's nothing wrong in there. E-cards tend to have the 'funny' property of ending up in someones spamfolder without the person even seeing it Don't worry, it's normal for people to take some time to respond to email. in the old days of pen and paper, when I was young etc etc, you'd have to wait at least 3 days for an answer as well. And back then, we had as few hours in a day as we have now.





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