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well heres another doozy


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Hey guys. Well i got another, here it is.....I got this gf and she is like everything i have ever wanted in a girl, the best gf i have ever had she is just so much fun and everything...i guess you can say i love her but there is this other girl that just has sometin bout her that just makes me want to talk to her and be around her ya know something in the way she walks, in the way she talks, in the way she talks to you in the sound of her voice. I dont know what it is but just makes me so attracted to her and its like with my gf now when im like sad or angry or sometin i can call her and 9 times out of 10 i always feel better but with this other girl just hearin her voice or seein her makes me feel like no problem ever existed. I do have a pretty good shot with the other girl but i dont wanna break up with my gf i got now because i do love her and i know i would really miss her and alot of people would be pissed off at me. Well I dont know what to do...Some one please help...Thanks Later

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ouch. you seem to be in love with both. this connection with the other girl seems to go beyond just the physical. now ppl being pissed at you is not a valid reason to not break up or break up for that matter. but you need to really think about what you want more. and with all honesty you cannot do this....its wrong. you need to "cut" one off. just think about how your gf would feel if she saw you flirting away wiht this girl. just think about it. its really tough. so think about the pros n cons. you need to make a decision. you like both, but you need to decide who you TRULY CARE ABOUT. this other girl may seem appealing because of the fact that you're not in a committed relationsihp which often has problems. like a marriage vs. dating. its the same as dating vs. flriting. theres just less stress. so think about this carefully k?

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just coz people might be pissed off with u, that dont mean that u should not be happy with this other girl, its a really tough one to call, should u follow ur head or ur heart, its obvious that theres an attraction to this other girl, if u do dicide to go for it with the other girl then just make sure that u dont hide anything and that ur completely honest with ur current g/f, i hope it all works out for you, take care.

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