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How far into a converstation should I ask for her number?

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I'm pretty comfortable meeting and talking to women I don't know. But I have trouble feeling out when it's appropriate to ask for her number. Also - how to bring it up. It seems so awkward to just bust in to, "How about you give me your phone number?" How can you bring it up without being abrupt?

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I would think you would ask for it at the END of the conversation.


You could say something like:


"Say, I'd love to talk to you more, but I gotta run. What's your number?"


It can't get much more non-threatening than that.


It would be wise to have a slip of paper and a pen in your coat pocket, so you don't have to write it on her hand.


Good luck!

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I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, the best way is to leave them with your number. It's a win-win situation. If they are interested, they'll call. If they aren't, they won't and you'll save yourself the headache of finding that out later. Good Luck.

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If I wanted a guys number, I would ask if they wanted to do something together later on. Then say you're in a rush, can I have your phone number so we can arrange it?


I'm not sure, that way worked for me once...and thats only because I've only ever done it once...but I got his number, and we became good friends. Shame it didn't last

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I'm pretty comfortable meeting and talking to women I don't know. ....

How can you bring it up without being abrupt?


Man, I wish I would have your skill!


1. Ask for the number in the end of the convo, then it would be natural:

I'd like to know you more, so I need you number to get a hold of you.

2. Since some womne are UNCOMFORTABLE giving their numbers,

I suggest to ask for her email first. She should be more willing to give it to you.

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Well first to ask for her # its like "I had a great time talking to you, are you comfortable with exchanging #'s so we can talk again?" Or if she doesn't like that you can do e-mail or some messenger thing. Oh yeah and I usually ask for it (if I'm trying to get a chick's number) after 2 minutes. No longer than that.

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How far into a converstation should I ask for her number?


To answer the question it really depends on whats going on. Usually the best time is when the conversation is ending and people are going to take off. But if you and the girl talk about an interest you both have it may be best to ask for it there, depending on the interest that is common to both people. For example lets say your into art and you also major in art at some college. The girl you are talking to is also into art as well. You can make plans to vist some muesum or art show later on. I would say its best to get the number before you change topics and the current one [the interest] ends.


Another suitation that may land you a number is when the girl is hinting or make it obivous that she wants to get together some time. You usually have to pick up on this as soon as possible, becuase if you don't then she will think that your not into her, even if you ask for it later as it will show that you may just be friends. I know this is not the case all the time, but I would say a good protion of the time it is.

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