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morning after pill?

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Hi Mandy,


I took it about 3 weeks ago, and am not pregnant, thank goodness! I just had my period a week ago it was irregular ( Earlier than norm), and a little more cramping, but everything is okay.


You are suppossed to take the morning after pill within 3 days of unprotected sex, I think you can also take it within 5 days, but I do know the sooner you take it the BETTER. I am no doctor, and this was a first for me, but if you are worried take a pregnancy test, and go from there. Good luck!!



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You can take the morning after pill 72 hours after intercourse....but the sooner, the better. If you leave it dead on thre 72nd hour or something like that, then the likeliness that the morning after pill has failed is more likely.


You can also have a coil fitted up to 5 days after intercourse. It's always best to do things soon after it happened.

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yeah, I've taken it before, I took it after 48 becausemy doctor wasn't open on the weekend. My period usually comes on the 15th, I've been having quick shots of pain off and on since I took the pill, they dont feel like regular menstral cramps. Mine are always on the left side, and the back pain comes with it. These pains are in the right side. I have also had tonsilitis for over a week and have been SUPER stressed after just losing my job a few weeks ago. I wouldn't be surprised if it comes late based on all that. Last time I took it my period came a few days early. Oh well, my doctor said it's 90% effective... I'm pretty confident I'm ok. There was no ejaculation and no orgasm on either of our parts so I know the chances are very low.

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