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How are all my no contacters doing this weekend?

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Hey all you fellow no contacters, just wondering how things have been this weekend.


For me things have been particularly hard. Last night I had a long talk with my mum and she basically told me that she could see the break up coming a mile off as he was never phoning me, goingout etc. I cried because it was true.


So am spending this weekend alone with a massive chocolate ice cream and a dvd-exciting life eh?


Last week I had such a great time, I was going out drinking and really feeling that I was moving on but i honestly think that today has been my lowest day yet.


To make things worse, the new job that I was supposed to start on Monday has been cancelled, as apparently they have enough staff or something. Great.


Anyways enough of me-how are all you other guys coping? I hope at least sme of you are coping ok. (((hugs)))

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Good for you for keep up on the NC!


I read your post and can completely relate....It's the second weekend since my bf broke up with me and this has been a low point for me too. Prior to this weekend I was busy out with friends literally everyday of the week and keeping super busy. I felt confidant, and good and as of now...yesterday I had a great evening but just spending the day alone before the evening came made me feel really depressed and lonely. I can't figure out if its lack of sleep that's making me feel this way but I'm letting it be.


Today is shaping into watching About A Boy-which I have but have not yet seen-and bumming around the house, woohoo!


Oh yeah, and a long night at work, booo!

Thanks for bringing up the question cause I felt like that helped to vent.

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Hi Fif Angel. I'm sorry to hear you're having such a rough patch right now. {{{hugs}}}


It's been one week of NC now, and I'm still thinking about him all the time. I dreamt of him last night, which made me feel a bit sad when I woke up. Right now I'm settled down with a hot cup of tea and will probably cosy up this evening and study a bit. Then I may go out later, depending on my mood and if I'm feeling up for it. I should probably force myself to though ...

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Hey ho guys, well one chocoate ice cream is slowly becoming two and have had a few lil glasses of wine too...drinking alone ahh I think I`m becoming Bridget Jones! ( although if I end up with Mark Darcy then who`s complaining?!)


Filmraven- About a Boy is one of my all time favourite films- it is soo funny and really uplifting too so your in good company tonight!


Ahh still can`t seem to shake the ex thoughts though it`s weird I seem to oscillate between rage and anger-plotting my revenge and yet also love and tenderness.


One minute I want to text him to tell him what a *beep* he is, the next totell him that I love him and can`t live without him. *sigh* hormones eh and here`s me thinking my adolescent days were behind me!


Wow Sonic you don`t even remember her face?! In a way thats kindof sad but I guess weirdly reassuring-you are healing moving on.

I know there are plenty more fish in the sea, but I can`t help but think that I had already caught one of the prize haddocks lol


Mm Jaela tea is good- think I might get myself a cup later after a few more glasses of the house white-- oh god drinking alone and posting half-cut on the internet! I really am surpassing myself these days!!


Love to you all!!

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Ex-husband wants to date (can you believe it? we just got divorced and now he thinks I'm stupid enough to go back? you know, this one just hit me out of the blue it did...), he's been trying to get me to go to a movie, hang out at his place while his daughter is over a friends, etc.


I'm not buying, and i'm not budging. I have no reason to be with him in any capacity (besides seeing him at work), and i'm not going to lead him on.


You know, as if getting over him wasn't hard enough, the fact it seems like now he wants to go right back, just confuses the heck out of me.


I went to a craft faire today, won two things in their raffle drawing, recovered a tv i was given by my grandparents as they get rid of their belongings, and just tried to enjoy time... even if it is alone and lonely.


I look at it this way, i'm going to have to do a lot of things alone. but its better for me to be alone and miserable, than with someone and miserable. we all have our up and down days, it is just my down days (weeks, etc) as I go through my stages of 'recovery'.

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All my friends are outta town this week or working, so i've been alone all day. I don't think about it as much as i used to. When i think about her, i'm more angry now then sad.


Think im gonna go for a nice long drive to, basically no where, and listen to some music.


Sitck in there guys and gals you'll all be fine

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damn im late again posting on this topic... oh well...


my weekend was fun. Went to a concert friday evening, free of charge. was really good. Although i dont like much the band i had fun.

Then saturday i went again to the same festival as the other weekend but this time with cousins. It was nice though. We talked alot and had a nice time. And i learned to cook something new


Sunday i passed it over resting but im still tired...


But don't think i'm over her... Far from it... Far from what i wished for... She still right here as the main thing in my mind... Unfortunately for me...

I only do all this to keep me really busy but then i see couples all happily together and it brings me down alot...

I guess i will heal over time...



Hope next weekend will be better for all you guys and girls...

Take care of you all

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Hey...I am wondering if I should begin the whole No contact thing you guys speak of....I mean. me and my bf broke up 2 days ago. and all I can do it think about him. I know that we can work out our differences. But he was the one who broke up with me. Saying, he isn;t happy because we have tiny arguments some times. I want to try to work things out...Want him to realize what hes missing and come back. Does this no contact thing do that? Will he come back? OR should I let him know...mail him of how we can work things out. I just dont want to beg...and stuff. He knows Im hurt and that I wanted to try to work things out...Is it even worth it? Nothings clear to me anymore

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hey dustinthewind


First of all you need to know that NC is not to win anyone back. It's something we do to try to get over our ex-special ones. It's made for you to heal and to continue your life without that person in your way. Nevetheless there situation where NC might bring them back, but like in your case it's something only he can decide. He broke up, he had his reasons, so he is the one who will decide on coming or not. In here you can't do much more. So doing NC might (althought it's rare) bring him back, but don't use it just for that. Use NC to heal yourself and try to get over him. But if you are going to do NC stick on it.


Oh and a warn of advice NC is extremely hard on us dumpees... At least i felt it that way. For the dumper is less hard cause they have their reasons to leave us. And if they left us, they all know the consequences of it.


Hope this helped you some how. And you might consider check around this foruns. There are lots of situations around NC.


Take care.

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Yes indeed dustinthewind, No Contact is the way to let your heart heal and not a means of reuniting with your ex.


Although it should be said that if you are going to get back with him, NoContact is the most likely means of achieving that as it gives your ex a chance to actually miss you, wonder about you etc


Although there are no guarantees it will work!!


Also No Contact is hard hard hard!!!! I have been broken up five weeks and have already broken the rules twice (admittedly one time i was fairly intoxicated) but y`know it does get easier...

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Hi Guys. THanks for writing. I understand what you mean. It's so weird this whole NC thing. I know in my heart it is what is best for both me and him (ie. it gives me a chance to heal, improve myself, and try to be happy again....and it gives him the chance to be alone, think and realize that hes missing out on something great) He broke up with me on Wednesday...which means it is the beginning of my third day of no contact. He wrote me once by email the day following the break up because I had his wallet, so i wrote and said bluntly that i will drop it off at his work. I never saw him or anything, and that was all I said....so i hope that means its day number 3.....ugh. it is hard though. He still has all my stuff...and me his. I dont know how we are going to coordinate getting it back. But im just gonna leave that alone right now i gues. unless anyone has any ideas. I dont really need anything he has greatly i guess.


It almost feels like you are a zombie. Living only half of what you are. I dont know if that makes sense. But it is so hard to just fill the void of that special person. They left and no theres this huge gap, and you try so hard to squish all these other things into that gap so it doens;t seem so huge. In the end, they may fill the gap, but it doesn't fit as nice as it used to.


I think talking on here helps a lot. It is great to know that there are people out there, who are going through the same thing as you. I have plans for tonight...my first night going out after it happened. I know that he has plans for tonight as well...going to some sleezy bar. Im going to try so hard not to think of him and what he is doing. If he is goofing around drunk with other girls, or if he is thinking of me. ....i want it to be the later.


Anyways. Im rambling. talking here helps.... thanks for listening.

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I am not very good at no contact...I let myself get sucked back into a no win situation. She wants me, but she wants to date other people too. It is really hard on me.


I am not going to call her this weekend because I need some space away from the craziness. I'll probably be here a lot, posting away, so that I don't cave and contact her!


No contact is hard because it feels so un-natural. Sometimes it is about self-preservation though.

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