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my girlfriend dumped me after 4 months. she said cuase she likes this other guy in my class. the first time they went out they barly talked and didnt do nothing. they have nothing in common. we have so much common. i really love her alot and i tell her that and that i want her back in my life and that i cant live with out her. i have asked her if she wanted to come back with me but she said no. i no that he doesnt like her as much as i do. but she doesnt under stand that. he is a shy around her and when i am around her i am not shy 1 bit. i just dont get it . please help me i really need her back in my life. if u can give me some advice on how to get her back please tell me!!! or just tell me something, anything!!!

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Hmmm, maybe she is looking for someone different and just wants to experiance new things? If I were you in the future I would try new things too.. 4 months isn't THAT long.. unless you guys did serious relationship things. Well, besides that if you like her ALOT ALOT ALOT.. give it all you have.. try and get back with her. If she doesn't want you back.. that's ok!! maybe she wasn't meant for you? A relationship takes 2 willing people to work.

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hey tarheeel . I have a feeling that she has lost interest in your relationship, and even though her new one may involve shyness and is slow-paced, it is proving exciting for her ! If she needed a new challenge, maybe it was because you kept on telling her you loved her and did everything you could to make sure she was happy. If a girl thinks she can walk all over her bf and then he'd get up and give her a hug ... she would feel there is nothing left of him that she needs to win over !! My advice would be to ignore her everytime you pass her from now on, if she starts talkin to you, be polite to her and make her laugh if you can, but then tell her you have to be somewhere and give her a " i'll c u later ok" and walk off cooly. IF YOU DO THAT, SHE'LL GLUE HERSELF TO YOU IN NO TIME. good luck and stay 8) with her.

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ask yourself if things were reversed.

If you broke up with a girl and she was all 'but I love you, we were meant to be together etc. etc." it would be hard to take, especially if you're trying to find some space.


The best thing you can do is be the sort of man you would look up to. Imagine yourself being brave, secure and willing to be happy and carry on with things. Imagine being the sort of guy who can take the hurt and still be kind and friendly and together. If you sort yourself out and your emotions, you will be a much better catch!


Do this for yourself, not only for her. Either way you win.

Also remember the 3 most important things about getting over pain:

1 - This isnt permanent. 2 - The whole world will not end because of what you're going through. 3 - Dont take it personally, its nothing fundamentally wrong with you.


Good luck mate.

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ur getting advice from a bunch of idiots. why dont u j/go hug another grl in front of her and make her jealous...thats the easiest way and if u dont like that..be really really depressed...if that doesn't work then write a song for her or somethin and that should work...or maybe she doesn't like going out w/ppl for more than a period of time. i dunno. im not good at this but u told me to put something up here. cuz those other idiots are giving u pretty lame advice..no offence to ne of them if they're reading this. ---thats pretty retarded too. it looks like an old guy who needs a haircut and whos bald in the middle of his head.

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this advice u have been gettin is great but u know wut i think, i think that u should just leave everything alone and cry. just kidding. LOL. i crack myself up, neway just calm down becus everything happens for a reason, God makes things happen for a reason. So my advice to u is be happy for wut God gave u: family, food, water, shelter, friends and if God changes sumtin then just trust him and let him do what is needed. I hope everything works out the way u want but it mite not and it isnt fair and neither is life.

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