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I feel so lost deep down and I know I shouldnt!!!!!

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Joined: 31 Dec 2002

Posts: 3



I was with my ex g/f for almost 5 years. Now it's been almost 6 months since we broke up. I am 25 yrs old. She is only 20. I know.. Big age difference. When I met her she was 15 and I was 20. Since day one she has lied to me about things. She has also cheated on me ( 4 month relationship behind my back) She broke it off when her mom told me about it. I still stayed with her. She has mentally and physically abused me. She hit me at least 20 times. No retaliation on my part. I know you are saying, " What is wrong with this guy!" I am a pretty normal guy, I am successful, have my own place, money, great family. She is the most beautiful girl I have been with ( on the outside not inside) We have broken up at least 5 times in the past 5 yrs. We break up for a while and then get back. This time a year and a half ago we got back and decided to give it all that we had. I still always felt like I couldn't trust her b/c of the past. Anyway I had some hard times with work and she wasn't totally there for me so I started talking to someone else behind her back ( I know it's wrong but she wasn't supporting me!!!) We tried working everything out. Finally after one last fight she told me that she didn't want to be with me. She left the day before my 25th b-day. 2 months went by and she started calling me again. I refused to talk to her and now I miss her 6 months later!! I know this sounds crazy.. can somebody help me realize whats going on??? Thanks

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i think it is as simple was her wanting what she can't have.. Taking your for granted and feeling scared without, and maybe not finding anyone else as great as you or who let her do whatver she wanted without fighting back.. I think you are much better than that..deserve more and should just stay away from her. I know it hurts but deep down you must know you need more and deserve better!

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If this relationship is over, and in my opinion you are far better off without it, remember that 6 months is nothing. Its about the time you should start stretching your wings, and starting fresh.

Remember, losing a partner is considered worse than death, because you have added rejection.

Keep your spirits up with other interests and you will find yourself moving on.

Just hold on, and be strong.

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i commend you for truly loving that bitchy girl (oops sorry) but i guess you should try to explore the world, what i meant is that you are still young and you deserve a more better person right? don't worry you could forget her in time...

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i think u care for her and u love her just ur really upset by everything shes done to you but u need to tell her that ur upset with that but u want to be with her but u wont until she changes her act i mean girls aint supposed to hit guys...u know...thereas obvioulsy something going on...she obviously cares for u if shes been with u since she was 15 but u need to give urself time to think things through..or try being with someone else see how that works out...and why would u want to be with a girl that is only pretty on the outside????/....ask urself that...beauty isnt everyhting and if shes ugly on the inside then shes ugly all around...think about what ur doing cuz ur in the stage that if u continue dating her ur gonna start to love her and ur gonna wanna marry her..i mean what else..if u've been going out for 5 yrs. now...just think about things....

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Hey, missing something we just lost is human nature! (I still miss my cat that I had to give away several months ago ) Also, you need to realize that you are better off without her! You don't need people like that in your life. Anyone who makes you feel that miserable is not worth dealing with!


Just stay away from her for a while. Date new girls, meet new people! I can almost assure you that you'll find yourself a better girl out there somehwere and when you do, you'll realize how much better off you are without her! You're FREE now! You can do what you like without worrying about what she is going to do to you or how she is going to react! Take charge and life! Just get your mind off of her, and keep it there! I know it'll be hard, but if you ever want to be happy, ya gotta!


Good luck!

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