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The ex girlfriend broke up with me twice then led me on once too. I went down begging and sobbing ( i am ashamed). Anyway, after a couple of months of NC I contacted her again, and we are hung out again ,but with other friends.She asked me out to a movie then we went back to her lab (work) and showed me the experiments she was doing.She asked me to come on a bike tour with her (200km ride) because she "needed someone to talk to". We were getting along great,having fun and a little bit of flirting. She would sit close to me (touching).I did not mention anything to do with relationship I was just trying to be her friend, but I wanted her back. I did not read anything into this other than she was enjoying my company.


She said these things to me ;"We should go camping sometime,but I guess we have to bring Robert( her friend)" , "We need to get Robert some skiis so he can come skiing with us "." Give me a list of books you are to read (for school') and I will read it with you" .Asked me for my email.


So,I thought we were being friends again. Then she started to avoid me,never went skiing ,not returning my calls, talk to me one day ,ignore me the next ,etc.. I finally asked her why she was avoiding me. She told me she was not comfortable around me , and she was not interested in me. for 4 months I have been wondering what was going on with her , she just kept telling me she was busy. I feel used ,and slightly lead on again.


What do you think?



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ex girlfriend broke up with me twice then led me


I can't tell you if you should be mad or not. Those are your feelings. However, from your quote, I can tell you that I think you should set your breakup maximum to 1, and move on.


I honestly don't know what she's doing - if she's leading you on on purpose or not. But this Robert guy seems to be a little more than just her friend. I think you may want to distance yourself from the both of them and read the books on your own.

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I dont know if you should be mad at her or not, but I think you should definitely stop all contact with her.


Because of her behaviour towards you she does not deserve your friendship.


I also think that she mentioned this Robert guy way too often. Maybe to give you the message that there was somebody else in her life. Just my 2 cents.

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You took a risk by wanting to be her friend again and by wanting her back you read more into her actions than was actually there. You took this risk voluntarily because you initiated contact with her and decided that you wanted to be friends even though you wanted more. You also played your hand wrong when attempting to get your ex back. I would say that you can be mad but are you mad at your ex, mad because you didnt get her back or mad at yourself? Your plan to get your ex back didnt work and now you have no choice but to move on, so its natural that you have negative feelings about this.

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