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Just when I thought I was over the ex gf I see her and I fall in love all over again. NC does work ,but when I see her I cant help it to think how beutiful she looks. I still get goosebumps everytime I see her, and it is weird how just talking to her for a couple of minutes makes me feel so good. Its almost like I a drug , I need to get my fix of her to feel good.

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Its not love.


Ok, actually you are in love with the fantasy of being in love with her. Addicted to the good. The worst part about breakups is that after some time, people usually only remember the good and GREAT.


Make sure when your mind wanders to the fantasy, that you let reality be your balance.

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I dont think thats necessarily healthy.... maybe healthy isnt the correct word... I'm not sure. But you definitely need to do something about it. Some people do have that affect on us... im not sure what advice i can give other than remember what reality is... and your fantasy's about her aren't it. You'll find someone else!!

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I do believe that we meet people in our lifetime that have an intoxicating effect on us. A one minute encounter with them can give an incredible emotional high. I think its good to recognize it, in this way we can "temper" it. Nothing wrong with those emotional highs until we live for the next moment to experience them. At that point it becmes all consuming. Enjoy their presense, enjoy speaking with them. Treat it as a treasure (couldn't think of a better word), but don't obsess over the next time. That wouldn't be fun.

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