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Little confused.

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I'm a bit confused with the relationship I'm in right now. I've been with him for about 2 weeks. I've been good friends with him for nearly 2 years. At first I freaked out a little bit and I made it very clear to him that I really value him as a friend and didn't want to mess up the friendship. I had that problem with my ex boyfriend (I'm now on 'hello how are you?' terms with my ex).

Well I think this time it's me being very paranoid. I have gotten very attached to the guy I'm seeing now. After all we'd been friends for a while and it wasn't hard to get attached. But the thing thats irratating me is I'm scared he'll think I'm imature, to clingy or to distant.

I posted a while ago about my shyness issue (I got over that thanks to the people that gave me advice). Things are getting much easier and I care about him a great deal. But I really need to work on this insecuraty issue because It's really making me upset.

It's not that I'm worried he'd cheat on me because I know he's not that type of person! But I'm worried I might make him unhappy because I worry he might not like me anymore... mainly due to a dream I had when he said he didn't. I told him about it and he said he's not going to dump me because he really likes me and cares about me a lot.

Anyone got any ideas about how to get over paranoia?

Thanks for reading and sorry it's a bit long,


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paranoia huh? well i'm not exactly sure what to say cuz when me and my ex friend/ b/f broke up we NEVER talk anymore, don't worry about later live now, in the present. If he makes u truly happy, don't worry about the future about how he WILL or MIGHT act.Just chill out and live for today.


~learn from the past plan for the future live in the present~

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