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does she like me

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ok well today was awesome. i went to a concert with two girls ( one of whom i like) and we were talking she said she needs to go out with someone. she gave me her # and said we should hang out. she made it incredibly clear she was single by like she kept saying she has only had one bf and it was only for a month. then we just sat under the stars ( koRny i know) and she gave me a ride home. am i over thinking things or does this seem like she likes me? please respond


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i'm gettin' a desperate vibe from her. no offense, but it sounds like she just wants a fling and anyone will do. if you want to go for it, don't let me stop you, just be warned if she seems "bored" with you after a week or so. this neon sign might be because she needs attention and not commitment.

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