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My ex bf who let me go told my friends that he is suffereing a lot after he ended things with me... Some girl also asked him for coffee recently but he didnt even reply...

I would be leaving the city soon and he has been texting me a lot recently... We say goodnight to each other almost everyday... I try to avoid talking to him And I only respond to his messages... A guy friend of mine had come to stay with me, but my ex came off to my house and wantsd to talk to me for a long time... And few days he gave one friend a coat as she was feeling cold... And he asked if I was cold and told me in our native language that when he can give his coat to that girl itself, why wouldnt i give it to you...

Can this mean he has feelings for me still?

I am not sure what to do as I still

Like him and am scared to leave this city... However if i show I still care , he becomes weird!

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You haven't been avoiding talking to him, because you keep responding to his messages. Stop! HE broke up with YOU! If he wanted to still be with you, he wouldn't have done that! He's only still talking to you so he can keep you on the back burner just in case he doesn't find someone he likes better.

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Why reconcile when he gets to keep you at a reduced capacity?

When someone discards you, you don't continue to say goodnight to them every time they reach out. They don't get that privilege.

Done means, done.

And yes, sometimes dumpers hurt as well. But it doesn't mean they want you back.

He can't have it both ways.

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Honey, stop. Have some self-respect. If he was the right guy for you, he would NOT have left. So what if he does come back? Do you really want him back after how badly he treated you? You were not his first choice, and you can't change that. I'm sorry, but you can either let him go and find someone who actually wants you, or can hold onto him and keep getting treated like crap for however long you want.

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