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She blocked me on Snapchat but not on anything else?

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So there is this girl I met through a mutual friend. We really hit it off in terms of friendship. He made me add her on Snapchat about one month before we met. We talked a little here and there but after she first came over and we hung out we started talking on Snapchat everyday. We have hung out a pretty good amount since then and she has told me she thinks I am cool and that she likes hanging out with me and she has told me friend she likes talking to me. Well I noticed she wasn't talking to me as much but she was sending my friend Snapchats so I asked her why she stopped Snapchatting me? (I have asked her this before and she has asked my friend why I stopped talking to her once). We kind of got into an argument because I have asked this before and my emotions weren't right that day and I kind of gave her a sob story and she ended up blocking me. Immediately I apologized on Facebook. She didn't respond and I didn't think she would. Now its been about five days that I haven't tried contacting her. I know I should have given her space now and I wish I would have.


My question is should I apologize again in a few weeks? She is on vacation and I really don't want to bother her. The thing is even though I haven't known her for more than three months, I have had a lot of fun hanging out with her and talking to her. She has said the same about me and I really don't want to lose her friendship. Sorry for how long this is. Any help would be appreciated.

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I wouldn't apologize again. You already apologized once and she's apparently not chosen to accept, at least for now. You may just have to let this one go, unfortunately. I'm not sure what was said but if she can't let one disagreement go especially after you apologized then obviously your friendship didn't mean much to her.


Something tells me you didn't just want to be her friend...

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Unfortunately you can't demand or manipulate people into as much messaging as you want, it's voluntary and they are under no obligation to keep up a certain pace. Just let it go, you sent her an apology, but she does not want the pressure of keeping up with all the social media messaging...or someone who's clingy.

I asked her why she stopped Snapchatting me? I kind of gave her a sob story and she ended up blocking me.
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