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Tanning without marks !

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I wasn't so sure where to post this (it's kinda weird), but i hate getting white marks when i sunbathe. I really want an all over tan.


In July this year im jetting off to the Philippines (my Mothers home) for vacation, and i know that im going to sun tan easily out there.


What should i use to prevent my skin from being damaged? and what can i do to stop getting tan lines? The one area im most worried about is the chest area. I hate having a tan on my body but end up with white triangles on my breasts. I'm almost 16 so i don't really want to sunbathe topless. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Yeah - DON'T TAN!!! It's very harmful to you, the radiation is damaging, and aging your skin, and you can develop skin cancer. There is no such thing as a safe tan. Especially with the ozone layer thinning. Now, I know you don't care at 15 if you look like you're 18 or 19 - in fact, I bet that's what you want! However, I know women that tanned a lot when they were younger, but now they are in their 40s, but they have wrinkles like women in their 60s! My mother never tanned, she is 63, and has gorgeous, unwrinkled skin. She looks about 50 also. You will be thankful when you are older. Wear sunscreen!

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There are many self-tanners out there. I had a girlfriend who used to go the tanning salon and it was some misting machine that misted your entire body, which was a bronze color. It came out pretty good and it can last up to a couple weeks from what I hear.

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Ahh, i see, i suppose it isn't completely necessary, from my mothers genes my skin isn't completely pale. The one problem is that whenever i go on vacation to the Philippines most of our time spent there is outside and my skin is always exposed to the sun. I heard that there was something you can use to prevent the skin from ageing?


& Thanks Chai, i may refer to trying that.

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Wear sunscreen!


That makes me think of that Baz Lurhmann piece about wearing sunscreen. I hesitate to call it a song...it's a spoken word piece over music. redbrick.dcu.ie/~dramaq/wearsunscreen.html


kimber - annie is right about the skin damage. A little color now isn't worth leathery, wrinkled skin by your 30's that will make you look older than you really are. If you are not used to the tropical sun, you are going to burn....badly...if you don't make a conscious effort to minimize your exposure to the sun. Even if you normally tan, the closer to the equator you get, the stronger the sun is. By the way, I'm also half Filipino, and the older I've gotten the easier I burn....I never used to burn when I was a kid and in high school & college.


Isn't odd how things change? In the past, someone with a tan was obviously of a lower social class--it meant they had to work out in the fields to make a living. It was the wealthy and well-off who were pale. Now tanning is something the wealthy & celebrities do....and us wage slaves are pale & pasty-faced.

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i do that Mystic Tan which is the spray on tan that Chai was talking about. It works really good, and is super easy only takes a minute..and if you go at least three times...you will be really tan and it will last at least a week and a half. The only thing is...it is kind of expensive...like $17 for just one session. I found this really useful because i am so pale. and Im not big on tanning beds and laying out in the sun because i just get burned.


Also the self-tanners they sell in the store work...only some of them though...the one that i use now..is Loreal Tinted self-tanning lotion...it comes in light mediam-dark and dark...and that is the best i've found so far...it goes on bronzy so you can see where you are putting it...and it doesn't streak!! It doesn't make you look orangy or fake either...its actually pretty natural.


Well good luck..and have fun!!

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