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OK... heres my problem.. i met this girl, and shes really awesome, nice.. a great influence.. shes great to hang out with. But i have a dilemma.. my parents are really paranoid about me and girls.. and i have to tell my mom about her.. and she wants to meet my parents.. but i dont know how to tell my mom.. im afraid of what she might say. PLEASE give me some advice or tips.. thank you!

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Your 17 and she's paranoid about girls??? What the ****. That's way too over-protective and your way too old to put up with that crap lol. Well you should advise your gf that your parents are paranoid about you and women. So she knows what she's going to do when she comes over to meet your folks.

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well.. shes not my girlfriend, we're friends now.. until now.. ive hid most everything from my parents, because i know how they are.. and i guess i havent been dating exactly role model girls.. but this time, i have nothing to hide.. i mean, shes not exactly a goody goody, but shes a better person then even I am. thanks for your input.. i really appreciate it

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One yes you are only 17 but you are the right age to be dating, having fun (legal fun) and "hanging" out with girls. You need to sit your parents down and tell them that you want them to meet someone special to you for whatever reasons you have.. there should be no problem.. every couple has to meet the "other side" sooner or later. Why are you so afraid of your parents anyways? What are you afriad that they will say... or Do???

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This is definetly something I've been through, as well as almost everyone at one point or another. My parents had and will always worry about me and guys. They always ask me about guys and what type I'd marry and if there's anyone right now and it goes on and on. And if there is one thing that is scary to me, it's definetly ANY guy meeting my parents. I think it stems from something my dad told me. "He could be the smartest and most caring person in the world, but no guy will ever be good enough for you." Great, huh? One thing I have to give them, though, is that even if they didn't like a guy, they always were civil.


I realized, though, that I can't hide guys from them forever. They are my parents. It seems like it's just a lot harder for parents to accept their children growing up than for their children to accept growing up, which is completely understandable. But, they have to accept it. And that means learning to accepting your decisions, such as dating someone. I'm sure every parent would be a bit worrysome that their child is going to bring home some rebel with a cigar in one hand and a bottle of booze in the other. But this girl, from what you said, she seems sweet, so I'm sure you won't have any problems like that. At the least I'm sure your parents will give her the chance to show them how great she really is. I'd say take her to see your parents. Parents are full of surprises, they may like her as much as you do!

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